Chapter 12.

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Dedicated to Serena Cleary :D

Zara's POV***

Things were happening so fast, it was all a big blur at first. One minute I was throwing pasta noodles at Ryder, then I sprayed him with a faucet, afterwards he chased me and took off his shirt showing his delicious array of abs. Then, when that wasn't enough, his lips attacked mine.

I was shocked at first, surprised at his agressive actions. He tasted of pine and mint, something that made me shiver in . . . pleasure? I had never felt this way towards a guy. Sure when I was younger I had little crushes, but something was different. It felt like something deep inside me was in a deep slumber, and the beast had been woken up.

After a few seconds, reality sunk back in and I couldn't help but let my eyes close. 

I was now aware that I was recently pressed up against the wall, Ryder's body dangerously close to mine. Sparks and warmth were erupting from our contact, but I wasn't worried about it right now.

Ryder lightly clamped down on my bottom lip, practically begging for entrance. Feeling like a tease, I kept my lips sealed. Unknowingly, his hands started to tenderly roam my sides, sending sparks of pleasure throughout my body. A light moan erupted from my throat as he pressed harder to my side. 

Again, Ryder lightly bit my lower lip. And previously, I denied his entrance. 

He let out a throaty noise that didn't sound all too human, but I couldn't ponder over what it was, for my bum was lightly squeezed. At this motion, a quick gasp of surprise left my mouth. Ryder saw this as the perfect oppertunity.

Suddenly, our tongues danced in sync with each other, and I couldn't seem to get enough of it. My brain was also having a dirty fight with my heart.

Brain : Would you just stop! He'll just break you heart later!!

Heart : Psh, what does Brain know? You know you like this boy!

Brain : Boys are all the same! Forget the Heart, and listen to me! I know what I'm talking about!!!

Heart : He's into you, don't stop! You know you feel the connection!

Brain : Be reasonable. Stop this insanity before you do something you regret!!!!!!

Heart : Keep going, take risks!

Brain : What would your mother think!?

And with those last thoughts, I broke free from our intense lip lock. I couldn't help the pants that left me. I stared up at Ryder, the deepest crimson color ever known to mankind crawling onto my face. I was so naive! How could I do this! And what would my mom say? The suicide note she wrote even said to stay away from Ryder, yet here I was doing the opposite.

"I-I can't," I whispered, more than embarrassed. Ryder's head lowered and he was looking at the ground.

"I'm sorry," He whispered and stared at the ground. Great, now I was feeling guilty. 

"N-no! I mean . . . I just . . ." I couldn't help but groan out loud. How much more stupid could I possibly freaking get?!?!?

A deep chuckle emitted from Ryder's chest. I glanced up at him after staring at the ground.

His hand reached out to touch my face, gingerly forcing me to look up at him. "It's not your fault Zara. I'm sorry," He said, his seemingly black eyes staring at my green ones with intensity. He was so gorgeous and mouthwatering. How was I lucky enough to wind up friends with him?

I couldn't say anything, too entranced by his perfectly sculpted face.

I let out a yawn, all the sudden, tiredness taking over. "Let's go upstairs." Ryder said softly, taking my hand in his and guiding us upstairs. Once we reached the top, I suddenly got a wave of a strange tiredness and a large dizzy spell over took me. I stumbled once I reached the top stair.

"Zara!" Ryder's voice called, but it sounded like we were under water. My legs buckled but warm arms wrapped around me before my face landed on the ground.

It was all blurry before it suddenly went black.

Woah, what do you think wrong with Zara?


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