Chapter 33.

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while my laptop's keys aren't working and niether is the space bar sooo I'm really sorry D:

Oh kayyy

So I totally set up my friend with my crush's friend and they're dating now xD I can't help but feel maybe a tad accomplished. As for my crush and I . . . I sorta confessed that I wanted to kiss him and I'm so embarrassed and I feel awkward but oh whale now he knows whateva

I'm hungry.



Btw the grammar in this chapterisn'tvery good.

Zara's POV***

I thought about what my wolf had said on our way there. Brandon? Sketchy? Sure he was the beta and granted I hadn't seen much of him since I had met Ryder and the pack, but that isn't much of a reason to suspect he was well, worthy of being suspected for anything.

I ignored the feeling and focused on today.

"What's on your mind?" Mitch suddenly asked. 

"Eh, nothing really," I replied, crossing my arms. Trying to get the attention off from where this could go, I pretended to look at the car mirror. I shivered when I saw the new me, still getting used to these strange, new features. 

"Doesn't seem like nothing," He retorted with a smirk. I tore my eyes away from the mirror, and sighed.

"I can't help but feel like you don't want my company no matter what. I thought we resolved things," Mitch suddenly said, sounding disappointing.

I dug myself into my seat. I wasn't in the mood for this conversation.

"I dunno," I mumbled, looking out the window.

"Well, that doesn't help."

"Can we talk about it another time?" I asked him. He sighed, and turned the wheel.

"Sure, but we will talk about it," he said, pulling into a diner. 

"Thanks for the ride," I said, hopping out.

"No problem," He muttered. I didn't turn around to see him or anything but instead I kept walking forward. 

 I wanted to shake things off about Mitch and Brandon and focus on my father and I. I wanted answers about my mother. I needed to hear more about her. I had this burning curiosity to know her, and to have her here by my side. My real mother, not that sister of hers. I wanted a real mother, my mother. But it was too late, and even my childish wants cannot deceive that reality.

I walked into the diner, opening the door and glancing around. 

My eyes landed on my father's back where he sat at the bar on a stool. I gulped, feeling a little nervous. I made my way over to him. He turned before I sat down, looking me up and down.

"Zara," he regarded. Do I call him Dad? Father? Daniel even? Feeling awkward, I merely nodded at him before sitting next to him on a plush stool.

"I ordered you a strawberry milkshake. I remember you used to get them a lot . . . back in the day," He suddenly added, fumbling with his straw in his Dr. Pepper. Though I had regained my memory, it was like someone had just played a DVD with my past on it. It wasn't like I really, really remembered it. It was the only way I could describe it.

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