Chapter 17.

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GAH I just realized I haven't updated in like 3 weeks EHHH IM SO SORRY

I've just been dealing with a lot at school right now, I'm really sorry.


I was staring at the board ahead of me. School had started up again - unfortunately. I hadn't been able to pay attention to anything for the past week. It's been really hard. Ryder's been trying to seduce me into going on a date with him, but I keep shooting him down.

I don't know why though, or maybe deep down I do.

My past relationship has taken a toll on me. A heavier one than I'd thought. I didn't want to be that used and abused girl that I was not that long ago back at one of my old schools.

I never talked about him much. I didn't like to. I almost like to pretend it didn't happen. Sometimes I even come close to convincing myself that night never happened. But the more I try to imagine that it didn't happen, the worse my paranoia gets.  

I've no one of him. Not my Ryder or even my mother. It's such a dark secret that I'd rather people not to think differently if I told them. But I don't want their pity. I got enough of that when my dad ran off and killed himself. I didn't anyone to feel bad for me. I had to start taking care of myself, stand on my own two feet, that kinda stuff.

"Ahem?" Someone said. I broke free of my thoughts and stared at the teacher. Everyone's eyes were on me. They all knew about my mother. I received strange looks from everyone on campus. Luckily, Ryder has been there a lot of the time. He sends them all glares, even the ones from his own pack.  I've also still be coping with him being half human and half wolf. I now also knew that a lot of kids that attended here were in his pack. 

Whilst walking in the hallway, they'd often slightly bow their necks, just enough to show that they were submitting. I found it somewhat stupid, but they all insisted it was required.

Everyone was still staring at me. I saw some glares, and even heard some whispers.

"You gonna answer the question, orphan?" Someone asked. I didn't hesitate to look in the direction of which the words came from. 

It was a tall girl with her hair in a high pony tail. She didn't wear much make up, and had some shorts on along with a pink t-shirt. Immediately, I became defensive. I pushed my chair back with no effort and saw red. She was still giving me a sneer, which I was happy to wipe off her little annoying face. Around us, everyone silenced and stared.

In one swift movement, I reached over someone else's desk before grasping her by her color. Everyone backed up before leaving their seats in a panic to get to the other side of the room. I dragged her from her seat, and threw her onto the ground in my row of desks.

She squeeled, making me ten times more determined to make her squeel in pain even more.

I got on top of her thrashing form and started to punch. I hit everywhere. Forehead, cheek, nose, chin, and I couldn't stop. Someone was grabbing my waist, and I could feel sparks eminating from the touch. But it wasn't enough to stop me. I stopped beating her face, seeing as her blood was now covering my hands. Hastily, I reached for her neck and pinned her down. 

Someone behind me was still trying to get me off, but I wasn't having it. I applied more pressure to the girl who insulted me and felt her air circulation being cut off. I thrived on the feel of her blood on my knuckles. Her eyes  grew wide as she choked for air. By now, firm hands grabbed my arms and I was jerked off the girl. I watched her cough mutliple times as she desperately forced air into her lungs.

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