Chapter 29

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(Hurray!!!!! YouTube is working again!!!!! So here's your song for this chapter!!!)

The four mares walked and walked through the city that was beyond the stage and music. Fluttershy was lucky that Fluttershout, Flutterstar, and Murdershy were able to help her. Without them she wouldn't be so close to almost confronting Flutterbat!! Then they came across a door, half of it was a dark pink while the other half was a pure black.

"Is this where the last one is?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh yeah! She lives in this one!" Said Murdershy as she opened the door and went through.

Without hesitating, the other three followed Murdershy through the door. On the other side they were in a dark forest where the only light was the moon. The trees stood strong and tall and the ground was damp and muddy. Except you couldn't see a thing, even if the moon was out!

"I can't see!!" Flutterstar said.

"Does anypony have a light?" Fluttershout asked.

"I'm making torches right now!!" Murdershy said as she made the first torch and handed it to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy took the torch and starting looking at her surroundings. She bumped into something and shined the torch on it to see what it was. She saw a large wooden pole but it wasn't just a pole. Fluttershy saw a colt that was tied to the pole by its neck as blood came out of his mouth and his eyes were still open. Fluttershy screamed at the top of her lungs. The other mares heard her and rushed to see what was the trouble. When they saw the dead colt they all froze in their position.

Flutterstar quickly grabbed Fluttershy and turned her away from the dead body.

"Yep.....that's one dead colt." Said Murdershy as she flew up to it and closed its eyes.

"Ugh! What's that smell? It's disgusting!!!" Said Fluttershout as she covered her nose.

"That my friend is the smell of a dead body! Now you know how I felt when I was in my prison." Said Murdershy.

"Can you stop the talk about dead bodies!!! You're scaring Fluttershy!!!" Said Flutterstar as she was trying to comfort Fluttershy.

"Oh please! That's only one of the many things you all would find terrifying that's out here!!!" Said Murdershy as she carried her torch as she lead the group thought the woods.

"W-What other t-things will we s-see?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well for instance we'll see Darkshy, cause this is her prison." Murdershy replied.

"D-Darkshy?" Fluttershy asked.

"That pony we told you about who was VERY difficult. Well she lives here!" Said Fluttershout.

"Ok but can anypony tell me why it's so dark out here?" Fluttershy asked.

"I guess it's just how Flutterbat designed her imprisonment." Said Flutterstar.

Then Murdershy stopped and blocked the others from passing, causing them to bump into each other.

"What's the big idea?!" Fluttershout asked.

Then Murdershy quickly covered Fluttershout's mouth.

"Whatever you guys do, don't move and don't speak!" Murdershy whispered.

"Why?" Flutterstar asked.

"Because she's right FRICKIN THERE!!!" Murdershy whispered shouted as she pointed to a mare that, again, looked Fluttershy.

Except there was something off about her. She was as tall as Fluttershout and Murdershy. Except a dark pink aura surrounded her eyes and part of her wings were a dark pink as well. Her mane, tail, and the bottom of her hooves were half dark pink and half black. They all kept quiet to see what was happening. They saw a handsome colt walking away from her and Darkshy looked very angry. But her anger turned into a malicious smile and started singing.

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