Chapter 19 - When It All Went Wrong

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A/N: Just a short filler chapter. I apologize, but the next one is much longer.

Lyra awoke to the sound of feet scuffling through the house and she sat up, rubbing her sore forehead, her joints groaning and cracking.

She could feel her heart thumping rapidly in her ears as she stood up, straightening her back and wincing as it cracked multiple times considerably louder than before.

She rested for a brief moment, letting her heart rate slow down, but not too much as she had taken the sound to be one of comfort to her, as it reassured her that she was still alive.

She supposed much of the order was away already and suspicion took hold of her as she quickened her pace, stepping down the staircase hastily.

Hugging her arms around herself, she shivered as she struggled to bring warmth into her bones and the cold air bit at her skin.

She stepped into the room, the light burning her eyes before they quickly adjusted, putting out the light at the end of her wand.

Sirius was briskly making his way around the room, as if there was something he intended to do. He barely glanced Lyra's way as he continued on.

"Sirius?" Her voice came out smaller than she would've liked. "What's happened?"

He met her gaze briefly before returning to his task. "Harry. He went with his friends into the Ministry to rescue me."

Lyra tried not to let her confusion show. "But- you're here?"

"Of course I'm here," he said this in a 'well, duh' sort of way, "Voldemort messed with his head again. Blimey, Davi, I'm not a ghost."

"Well, shouldn't we tell the order-"

Sirius threw his arms up in exasperation. "The order knows, they're on their way there as we speak."

"Then, what are you-" Sirius cut her off.

"They left me here, I'm going to go find my godson." Lyra fell silent. She didn't feel like it was her place to say anything much as Harry had stopped contacting her. He had somehow gotten false information in his possession about her a couple months beforehand and he didn't seem to believe whatever she said, although he refused to comment on how he had come to hear it.

Her only explanation was that he had broken the rules so badly, not even she could know.

Lyra swallowed. "Maybe you should trust their judgment, it's not safe."

"Nothing is safe anymore. You're not my mother, Davi. Please don't act it."

"Well, you're taking me with you, then." Lyra scowled, as if daring him to argue with her.

The ghost of a smirk lit up his face. "I've learned by now that it's no use arguing with someone who'll disobey whatever they're told, no matter the consequences."

"I'd much rather do what I, with my own unbiased opinion, believe is right, despite what is asked of me," Lyra shrugged, "wouldn't you? Much more interesting."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Hurry along, Davi, you can't leave here like that."

His eyes raked over her disapprovingly. Lyra looked down to see that she was wearing a tank top and pyjama pants before she ran off to change.

{01/29/16} << It's 11:58, I just made it.

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