:: Stumble ::

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He hated running with a passion.

Genesis wasn't going to fight the whole gang behind him either. Too many hassles with the police, it could get his scholarship in jeopardy, and he wanted to come out on his secondary education clean without a mark on it. He shrugged in his mind it was good practice in using his enhanced speed and stamina at times like this. Although he had wished many times he didn't have to keep running around in circles through the streets. He was intent on getting home or to the library to study, dammit!

The auburn haired teen was running at full speed and stopped abruptly, skidding to a halt as he spotted a building that looked similar to a hospital but also a foster home. He stumbled a few steps. And before he could stop himself, Genesis fell flat on his face on the pavement.

Recovering from the fall with pain to his face and ego, he stood up briskly remembering he had people after him. He shook his head snapping himself to reality. It was not the most pleasant experience he'd like to repeat again. Never in his life did he stumble so recklessly like he did now. Here he thought his SOLDIER reflexes would save him from that. Yet it was nice for a change no one would ever know the once great commander of ShinRa stumbled, here he was nobody.

He cursed to the point it would have made a certain swearing pilot proud. His ears picked up as footsteps echoed behind him and he hastily headed towards the public facility.

Hiding would be enough, right?

SHIELD Agent Rhapsodos: A Part That RemainsWhere stories live. Discover now