:: Cheating ::

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As Robert observed, Genesis wasn't one to break rules so easily. However, if given a chance he could get away with it... the kid didn't hesitate; especially when he was avenging someone.

One day there was an argument along the lines that Robert's assigned nurse, Hazel, was blamed for something she didn't do. The culprit (which Robert or the others will not name), was making it a big deal in the hospice to the point it was disturbing everyone.

So Rhapsodos challenged the guy to a bet in a simple game of cards, which he pawned over the said 'culprit' with ease. In the end, the guy confessed he was responsible. Of course, if you didn't have the eye for detail and logic you would notice something was odd about how the chances that came into the cards. At the end of the game, Robert asked the kid again within the safety of his room.

"So, you cheated," The old man concluded as Hazel was out to get a call for a 'celebration', with a pizza order delivery on the way.

Genesis shrugged, not at all shocked the old man saw through his trickster gag. As long as the general populace didn't suspect him, then he was, at least, doing it correctly. "He had what was coming to him. And you didn't stop me." He shuffled in his seat that was beside Robert's bed and crossed his arms, "Is there a reason why you didn't say anything when you knew?"

"While she and I don't agree most of the time, it doesn't mean I approve for what the scrawny guy nurse did to her," Robert explained. "Besides... I'm good at keeping secrets."

"That I don't doubt," the teen chuckled.

However, the old man raised and waved a stubby finger at Genesis, "Don't get it to your head, kid. Under different circumstances that would have been your life on the line and you would have failed."

In turn, Genesis frowned back with a scowl at the elder man that read, 'So what am I supposed to do?' He didn't particularly like it when the old man used the word 'kid'. It meant that he'd done something Robert considered foolish. Being somewhat of a perfectionist, Genesis wanted to make sure no weakness wasn't noted.

The old man only laughed at the teen, which irked Genesis further. Before the redhead popped a vein on his head, Robert calmed him down. "Easy, Genesis; there's still room for improvement. All you need is the right teacher."

"From the way you're smirking at me... you want to teach me?" the former SOLDIER asked disbelievingly. Had the old man gone mad? Genesis was still weighing the odds why the former CIA agent wanted to teach him.

"Well, it's not like we have anything else to do lately."

"Good point."

"And," Robert stressed, "I'm trusting you'd use some of my tips and tricks for good."

That statement caused the teen to raise a questioning glance at Robert. "You're trusting me?"

"A bit of good does help once in a while," the old man said. "And I trust you're a good person, but you just need to be nudged in the right direction."

Genesis' eyes narrowed. "You can read minds, old man?"

Robert disagreed, "No. But you could use a moral compass."

"You do realize that your previous job required you to do immoral deeds and the like?"

"Yes. And yet, since when was the world filled with only black and white?"

"It never has, and never will be," Genesis said.

"Good," Robert concurred. "Then let me teach you how to best survive in the gray area."

SHIELD Agent Rhapsodos: A Part That RemainsWhere stories live. Discover now