Chapter 13: Knowing You

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Never before has he seen the happy version until today. They make their way up the escalator to the food court at the back of the mall then go to the pizzeria. The food court is in a huge circular dome behind the mall. The escalator put it one floor up from the mall but they are both still attached. The coloring around the court is green and the top of it is colored like a beautiful sunset sky.

Rose orders a pizza slice with anchovies while Lucas orders a pineapple slice. They grab their plates and Rose picks a seat close to the window of the food court so they can get a view of the outside. They are seated across from one another. Lucas is staring at her pizza very oddly as she eats it.

She asks, "Don't tell me you haven't had pizza before either?"

As she takes a bite of her pizza, he says, "I have. I just don't like the slice you got."

Rose smiles at him with food in her mouth, says, "Shut up. There's nothing wrong with anchovies."

"Yeah it kind of is. Looks like a bunch of roaches are in a business meeting on your plate."

"You'd be one to talk. You're the one with pineapples on your pizza."

Lucas quickly replies, "Pineapples are healthy."

She asks, "Who in the hell wants a healthy pizza?"

"I do. You should try it."

"Yeah, I'll pass."

Lucas asks, "What time do you have to be back home?"

"I don't have a curfew. One of the many advantages of being a good kid."

"It's not exactly safe to be out at night, as you noticed last night."

"You're right but I can't let that stop me right?"

"You can... but you won't."

Rose jokingly asks, "How did you know?"

"Most people like to carry out their lifestyle, no matter the consequence. Even though they know something bad can happen, people never learn until it does, the hard way."

"Sounds like you know a lot about that. One thing you should know is good and bad happens in every life. No one's life is perfect."

"Surprisingly enough that's a good point but you can always try your best to avoid it."

"But there's no fun in that." She changed the subject, "So has it always just been you and your brother?"

"Ever since we were kids. And mom."

"Where's the rest of your family?"

"Don't know. I met a few of my relatives before but religion got in the way so everyone split. Kind of an odd reason for people to not talk to one another I thought but after a while, it didn't matter. When my mother died we didn't turn to anyone for that very reason."

She looks down at her pizza with a sad expression and empathizes with him, "I'm sorry to bring it up."

Lucas quickly accepts, "It's alright, hey." She looks up at him as he continues, "Believe me it's alright. We had to make a living on our own after that. My brother raised me by himself and provided for my mother and I. We knew that we were all we needed so after my mother died it came natural cause we were there for each other already."

"What does your brother do?"

"Freelance work. He does whatever he can to make money. Mostly into remodeling places."

They finish eating their food.

Rose asks, "How'd your mother die? If you don't mind me asking."

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