Chapter 4: Setting the Falls Forward

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Kenneth and Lucas arrive at Frank's huge house, a little after dark. The house is on a corner, making it stand out by its enormous size. The house is two-stories high with a balcony stretching across the whole exterior front. It is a really beautiful place. Lucas has never been to Frank's house before. Frank is Kenneth's informant but he and Lucas have met a few times. They walk up the driveway to the front door and Kenneth knocks on it.

Lucas asks, "What are we doing here?"

Kenneth answers, "This is Frank's house."

Lucas steps back and looks up toward the roof then his eyes light up as he quickly says, "Bullshit."

Kenneth knocks again then looks back at Lucas as Lucas asks in admiration, "This is his house? This place is fuckin' huge. This should be on Better Homes and Gardens or somethin'."

Frank asks from the other side of the door, "Who is it?"

Kenneth answers, "Kenneth and Lucas."

Frank opens the door and says, "Aye I'm on a call, I'll be right back."

Frank is wearing white slacks and an untucked black button up long-sleeve shirt with suspenders. Frank quickly walks away from the front door and starts up the stairs on the left.

Frank continues to say, "Make yourselves at home."

Frank is their inside guy. He is able to get intel on anybody at any time and no one knows how. His sources are so underground that the biggest man with the biggest shovel couldn't even dig anything up. He is the one dishing intel to them about their targets. Lucas never knew how Kenneth and Frank met, nor did he care to ask. Kenneth is around him, so he has to be reliable. Kenneth walks in first and Lucas closes the door on his way in.

On the right side of the door, is a huge living room with a white sectional couch and a matching love seat forming a curve-less C. In front of the sectional, is a marble coffee table and a big TV with a gaming system. There are no paintings or pictures around the walls. Kenneth walks around the couch and sits down to the far left of it. Lucas continues to look around the house in amazement as if he were in a museum.

He asks, "How the hell did he get a house this big?"

Kenneth explains, "He knows a lot about a lot of things. We're probably not the only ones he feeds information to. Probably pullin' favors for friends in high places."

Lucas asks while still admiring the house, "His sources go that high up?"

"Trust me, this guy is in deep and has more connections than a city cable line. He can probably have eyes on us from half-way around the world."

Frank comes walking down the stairs as he explains, "People trust me with their secrets and I dig up more from their enemies. They pay me to handle their problems. Which entitles me to a chunky sum of cash... I accept credit too."

Kenneth shakes his head and Lucas walks to the small end of the sectional by the front door then sits down.

Frank asks as he walks to the love seat and sits down, "What can I do for you guys?"

Kenneth asks, "Any idea how many targets we'd need to speed things up?"

Frank answers with assurance, "Not too many. I got a lady friend of mine looking into it."

Kenneth's face dips down a little bit in curiosity and asks, "Lady Friend?"

Frank explains, "Wynter. A woman that works for me. She's my retrieval expert. When something needs to get done, she's always first in line."

The Chaotic OnesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora