Chapter 5.2

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Darius is the bright egg in the basket with big ideas and ambition. Ronnie, on the other hand, gave up on the gang long ago. Only thing he can do is survive the arising threats that he is about to deal with.

Lucas and Kenneth are walking down the street at night. Traffic is pretty light on the main street after dark in the peaceful neighborhood they live in.

Lucas complains to Kenneth, "I hate that we always gotta walk to these places."

Kenneth says, "It's either walk or get caught trying to drive away. We have better chances on foot."

Lucas suggests, "We could at least take the bus."

Kenneth quickly says, "Stop bitchin'." Kenneth looks around and notices an Asian restaurant that he frequents then asks Lucas, "Hungry?"

Lucas replies with relief, "After all that runnin'? Hell yeah."

Lucas sees that they're walking toward the Asian restaurant and acknowledges, "Yo favorite."

Kenneth replies joyfully, "I know. That's why I asked if you were hungry." He throws his thumb up over his shoulder and points behind him then adds, "It's been callin' my name from four blocks back that way."

They walk down the small hill and into the restaurant. At the front counter, they request their orders with the young Asian woman on the other side. Lucas notices the girls from the smoke shop yesterday, sitting at a table in the corner by the emergency exit door. After Lucas and Kenneth receive their food, Lucas chooses a table to sit down with their plates. He finds a table where he can sit with his back toward the girls so they won't recognize him. The girls had already seen him, when they first walked in but he didn't notice when they would look over at him.

As the guys start to eat, Kenneth's eyes look up and he notices the girls looking at them as they talk to one another. Kenneth's eyes slide back down as he keeps eating. The blonde haired girl gets up and walks toward their booth. Lucas notices Kenneth's eyes go up again as he stops eating and wipes his face with a napkin. Lucas scratches his head in irritation because he already knows that one of the girls is approaching from the way Kenneth is staring.

She greets Lucas, "Hi."

Lucas hears her but he ignores her and continues eating as Kenneth answers for him, "Hello. How are you tonight?"

She looks at Kenneth and says, "I'm doing fine."

She looks at Lucas then so does Kenneth as he asks, "You aren't going to say anything? Say hi."

She interrupts Kenneth, "It's okay. I saw you at the store the other day and wanted to say you handled yourself pretty well. Not many people can fight as well as you."

Kenneth rests his head on his hand and asks in an interested tone, "Fight at the store huh?"

Lucas turns his head away from Rose, breathes deeply, then turns back to her and says in a stern voice, "Go away."

Kenneth interrupts, "No no no don't go. Please bring your friend and the both of you can come join us."

She nervously asks, "Are you sure?"

Kenneth assures, "Yeah, don't worry about him. Go get her and the two of you can sit with us and we can all chat."

She replies normally, "Okay."

She walks back to her friend. Kenneth stares at Lucas with a blank expression while he continues to eat, until the girls return. They approach the guys' table and Kenneth smiles at them.

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