Chapter 7: Taking It All Back

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In the meeting room, there's a man with a disgustingly scarred face on his knees, carving someone on the floor. He looks up then licks the blood off of his knife. He hears someone outside of the door and quickly looks up at it. He gets up, as his people run away, then he takes off running with them. Lucas and Kenneth meet up at the door and get ready to storm in.

Kenneth whispers a question, "Did you see anyone else?"

Lucas whispers back his answer, "No."

Kenneth replies, "Good. What's left of them should be in here. Are you ready?"

Lucas nods his head in agreement then he puts three of his fingers up and whispers to Lucas, "3...2...1."

They both bust in the door with their guns up and see the rest of the dead bodies. They are all mutilated on the floor and pieces of limbs hanging from the walls. They walk through the room and search for someone still alive. The people responsible tore those people apart and decorated the room with their limbs.

Kenneth turns to Lucas and asks, "Anyone?"

"Not one. You?"

"Nothing. They're all dead."

Lucas notices a small movement next to Kenneth's feet and quickly shouts, "Left foot!"

The guy on the floor grabs Kenneth's gun as he tries to point it at him. Another guy kicks Lucas's gun out of his hand and trips him to the ground. Three more begin to rise up from the bodies and walk toward them slowly.

Lucas nervously says, "I always thought when dead people came to life it would be fun. I admit I was wrong."

Lucas and Kenneth ease toward each other slowly, keeping an eye on the dead men as a couple more rise up from amongst the bodies.

Kenneth whispers, "These must be the Radical 88's. We gotta get out of here like ASAP."

Lucas quickly says, "I'm open for suggestions."

The radicals have them surrounded from every angle to where they cannot escape so Kenneth says, "...Yeah I've got nothin'."

One of the radicals runs toward them with a bat and swings it at Lucas. Lucas ducks and, as the guy swings by, kicks him in the chest. The guy falls to the ground and two more of them rush toward Lucas. Two of them rush toward Kenneth as well. Lucas and Kenneth are being double teamed, trying their hardest to hold them off but it does not last long before they become overrun. The other three enemies are standing around them watching the battle. After holding their own for as long as they can, Kenneth gets knocked down by one of the two men he was fighting.

Lucas head-butts one guy in the face, knocking him down. He pushes the other guy then rushes toward Kenneth. A radical pops out from behind a piece of broken wall and Lucas gets smacked in the face with a baseball bat. He falls flat onto the floor and goes unconscious. The guy with the bat drags Lucas away by his foot. Three of the other radicals pin down Kenneth as he tries to get up.

He begins trying to fight them off but he can't escape them. One of them kicks Kenneth in the stomach. He gasps out air and curls up on the ground. The other two lift him up by his arms and drag him to the middle of the room, facing him at the door. Lucas is in and out of consciousness for a few seconds then comes to and notices Kenneth being held down on his knees by two of the radicals. Lucas lies still as if he's still unconscious with one eye partially open.

He has a feeling they are holding them for a reason and that they are waiting for something. He wants to know what so he plays dead. The radicals fought with such fury and anger. No matter how much they hit the radicals, they wouldn't stop coming at them. There wasn't any way that they could get away from them by using their fists. Only other option is to run. The leader of the Radicals walks in the door and toward Kenneth, who is showing no resistance to try and get away.

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