Chapter 13.2

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Their time is running short and they don't have it in them for the bloodbath that will be at their feet if failure prevailed. They know someone had them tucked away somewhere and all they could do is hope for another call before something happens instead of after.

Rose and Lucas slowly walk up the stairs to his apartment. She doesn't understand why he is sneaking so she's hanging back a little bit. Once they get to the front of the small window above and make the left to go up higher.

Rose whispers to Lucas, "Where are we?"

Lucas looks back at her briefly, as he whispers back, "My apartment."

"Is your brother here?"

"Most likely."

"Is he okay with me coming in?"

"One hundred percent doubt it. What do you think we're sneaking in for?"

"Then why am I here?"

"Cause you asked to be. We have to be quiet okay?"

Lucas opens the door slowly, looks around then guides Rose through the dark apartment and into his bedroom. He closes the front door then goes into his room and closes the door.

Lucas asks in a higher whisper, "That was easy right?"

Rose whispers back a question, "Are you sure this is a good idea? I don't want to get you in trouble."

"Relax. We'll be fine. Just keep the inside voice going and we'll be good. I'm going to go let him know I'm here so he won't come in. I'll be back in a minute."


Lucas sneaks out of his room and then casually walks to Kenneth's room. Lucas knocks on Kenneth's door.

Lucas says smoothly, "Yo."

Kenneth says, "Come in."

Lucas opens the door and Kenneth put his gun down then continues typing on the laptop.

Kenneth asks, "What's up?"

Lucas answers, "Nothin' much. Just got in."

"Where you been?"

Lucas asks, "Do you remember that girl from the restaurant?"

"Which one?"

"The one that was sitting next to me."

"Blonde chick?"

"Yeah. I was with her all day."


"I saw her on the way to the store last night. She said she wanted to hangout today so we did."

"What'd y'all do?"

"We went to the arcade, to eat, and to the park."

Kenneth looks up at Lucas and asks, "You do know what we do right? There are people out there who want us dead."

Lucas answers, unsure of what Kenneth is getting at, "Of course I know."

Kenneth asks, "Then what are you hangin' out with her for?"

Lucas answers, "I didn't think it would be a big deal."

Kenneth explains, "You'll be putting her life at risk if someone sees you with her then it becomes a big deal. What if someone recognizes you and decides to shoot? Do you think you can keep her safe? Would it really be worth it? Putting an innocent girl at risk just to have a good time. I'm tellin' you now... Stop. Frank called."

Lucas asks, "What'd he say?"

"The deal is supposed to be goin' down at a factory on the west side. There's not many factories around, so it'll be easy to find."

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