Chapter 10.2

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Kenneth attempts another flurry with kicks and with the ending blow, kicks the fighter in the face. The fighter reaches to grab Kenneth's leg before he pulls it back. He barely misses as Kenneth backs away again. Kenneth knew that he was too fast for the fighter and his only hope of beating him was to grab him and keep him in close.

The fighter starts rushing at Kenneth, forcing him to go into defense to avoid getting captured.

He starts swinging wildly at Kenneth while he dodges. Kenneth backs into a red jeep and Kenneth, knowing he was already caught, throws his hand up in the air as the fighter gets a hold of him around the waist. The fighter lifts him up and starts to squeeze. The crowd starts cheering loudly. Kenneth holds his breath to avoid being squeezed too hard as he tries to break away from his arms by pushing them apart but the hold is too tight.

He starts punching the fighter wildly in the head to get out of his grip but he fails to get released. Kenneth knees the fighter in the stomach, forcing him to loosen his grip then Kenneth claps the fighter's ears with his hands. Kenneth, unexpectedly, falls to the ground, landing flat on his stomach. He tries to get up but the fighter quickly kicks him down. The fighter bends over and wraps his right arm around Kenneth's neck then pulls him into his chest.

He begins choking him with an arm lock as tight as he can. Frank looks down at Lucas and notices him sitting there biting his nails, not even paying attention to the fight.

Frank doesn't know much about the guys' history between each other but at that point, he is very confused. Any other siblings would be cheering one another on but Lucas doesn't seem to care about his brother getting beaten up out there. Kenneth starts kicking his feet, trying to push the fighter onto his back.

It doesn't seem to work so he tries again to pull his arms off from around his neck then head butts him. The fighter stumbles back. Kenneth looks back at him and the fighter punches him back down to the ground. Kenneth cocks his right leg back then kicks the fighter in the crotch and he falls down to the one knee. He shouts in pain as he holds his nuts.

Kenneth quickly tries to tackle him down but the fighter gets up fast enough to stop his tackle and grabs Kenneth by his waist. He throws Kenneth to the side of the arena and Kenneth rolls on the ground. The fighter rushes over to Kenneth and jumps in the air to leg drop him but he rolls out of the way before he is hit. The fighter lands straight on his butt. Kenneth rolls up onto his feet, runs toward the fighter, while he's still on his ass, and kicks him in his chest.

The fighter falls back to the ground and Kenneth punches him in the face then the fighter catches Kenneth's hand, in his second attempt to punch again. He brings Kenneth toward him and they begin to wrestle on the ground. Lucas leans in and Frank looks down at him then back out to Kenneth. The fighter breaks loose from him and stands upright then grabs at Kenneth's foot. Kenneth circles his foot around the fighter's arm in a clockwise motion and kicks him in the right side of his face.

The fighter swings around in a short daze and Kenneth springs back up on his feet. Kenneth looks at Lucas and Lucas nods his head, Frank notices then looks up at Kenneth in the ring. Kenneth takes a deep breath to calm down and relax his body. The fighter starts to run toward Kenneth while yelling and preparing to throw a hard right punch. Kenneth drops low to dodge the punch and springs up with his right fist then punches the fighter in the throat.

He then swings around counter-clockwise and follows with his left elbow to the left side of the fighter's face. The fighter gets knocked off of his feet and falls to the ground. He lies there lifeless. The crowd abruptly gets quiet, as their excited echoes pass through the arena. Everyone is in a silent shock of what they just saw.

The Chaotic Onesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें