Chapter 9: Saving the Day

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Kenneth is exercising in the living room and Lucas is on the computer typing. The dark has set in with a slight chill outside. They are both a little bandaged up and bruised from last night but don't appear to be in any pain. They never let their pain stop them from doing what they wanted or needed. Both of them have on sweat pants and a t-shirt.

Kenneth asks, "How you feel?"

Lucas replies, "Like shit. What's on the menu tonight?"

"Whatever you feel like eatin'. I don't care."

"Good answer."

Lucas gets up and walks to the kitchen then looks in the refrigerator.

Lucas says to himself, "Great. We ain't never got anything in here."

He closes the refrigerator and looks in the cabinet but doesn't find what he wants.

He closes the cabinet and walks out of the kitchen then says, "I'm gonna go to the store and grab some spices and junk. You want anything?"

Kenneth answers, "Naw, I'm good. Don't be long."


Lucas goes into his room and puts on his tan jacket then leaves the apartment. He walks down the stairs and out of the steel gate to their complex. He tightens up his jacket and puts his hands in his pocket to avoid the oncoming chills. He looks to the right and notices Rose walking across the street, texting on her phone. She is very warmly dressed which made him feel like he may have under-did it a little bit.

He watches her walk across then turns to the left and starts walking to the store. A few seconds into walking, he looks back and notices three white men, wearing all black, walking rapidly across the street in the same direction Rose is going. Lucas looks at the ground and takes a deep breath. Men in a rush behind a woman; Lucas already knows what they are going to do. Unfortunately for her, he can't bring himself to interfere.

He has already messed up by his brother when he defended himself at the store the other day. She is the reason he found out in the first place so he isn't going to cross that line again. Rose is walking down the street texting on her phone. She puts the phone away then looks back and sees no one there. The silence around the neighborhood makes her a little nervous. She turns back and sees a man standing in front of her then gets startled.

She lets out a brief gasp, "Ahh!" She puts her right hand on her chest and takes a deep breath then says in a relieved tone, "Sorry, you scared me."

The man asks her very seductively, "Where you goin' so late baby girl?"

Rose replies in a nervous tone, "I'm going home."

She tries to get around him but he slides over and blocks her path. She takes a step back from the guy as he squints and smiles at her.

She says, "Excuse me."

"What's the rush? Stay and talk with me for a minute. What's your name?"

"I'm sorry, I can't. I really have to go."

Another guy silently standing behind her, wraps his left arm around her. Rose tries to shout but the guy that grabbed her puts his right hand over her mouth. The guy in front of her grabs her legs and they start to carry her off toward a nearby backyard. She struggles to try and get loose from their grasp but the grip is too tight.

She manages to get a foot loose and kicks the guy holding her feet. He curls over after being kicked in the stomach then she starts to get free from the other one but his grip is too tight. The guy recovers from the kick and he angrily walks over to Rose then punches her in the face. The guy's hand lands majority on the other guy's hand, that's covering her mouth, and his face.

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