Chapter 8: Retaliation

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Lucas wakes up, when the sun shines in his face.

He realizes he's still on the floor then tries to move but the pain hits him, "Aww shit."

Lucas lies back down on the floor to make the pain stop. He looks up at Kenneth who is still lying on the floor in the same spot he fell in. Lucas struggles to get up and stumbles toward the table that the computer is sitting on then falls back down to the floor. He makes a second attempt to get up and sits down in the chair at the computer.

Kenneth looks up at Lucas then rests his head back down and says, "You're lucky you made it that far. I been up for an hour and still haven't even been able to roll over. Even laying here hurts."

Lucas rests his head on the table and says, "I haven't felt this bad in a while. Tell me we get a day off today."

"There's nothing I know of that's going down today. They're probably laying low so the heat will die down. So should we."

Lucas breathes deeply then falls backwards out of the chair. Kenneth laughs at him and feels the pain so he stops. Out on a street corner on Ronnie's turf, seven of his crew are standing around. The streets are empty aside from the crew standing outside of a liquor store in their dirty turf. They aren't socializing with one another; they're just sending the message that they own the neighborhood.

It is a humid sunny day outside, with a bit of a breeze in the air that's swaying across the gang. Their baggy clothing blows along with the wind. A couple of cars pull up across the street from them. Nine of Daigo's crew exits the vehicles with bats and pipes then walk angrily towards Ronnie's crew. They're wearing the classic button-up shirts with chinos. Each has their own black rag dangling from their pocket, neck, or tied around their face.

Ronnie's thug shouts from across the street, "We got problems bruh?!"

The gang-member leading the charge of Daigo's crew, holding a baseball bat, shouts back with the bat pointed at them, "You bitches think you can put our boy in the hospital and steal our shit?!"

"Man fuck you, I don't know what you talkin' bout!"

"I'm talkin' about the end of my bat motherfucker!"

Ronnie's crew stands their ground with their fists at the ready for a brawl.

Another of Daigo's crew with a black rag covering his face shouts, "Let's get these perras!"

They clash with each other and begin to fight. Ronnie's crew isn't all as incapable as they seem. They are fending off Daigo's crew pretty good, despite having no weapons. What they lack in speed, they make up for in strength with muscular physique.Nearby on patrol, Malone and Styler are driving around in the car. Malone is behind the wheel in deep thought about what to do next and realizes that they have another tail that they forgot to chase.

Malone asks, "Didn't one of Daigo's boys get discharged today?"

Styler replies, "The one from th-"

Styler stops talking, as he notices the gang fight on the corner to his left. Malone looks at where Styler's looking then turns on the siren. The fighters hear the siren and immediately start to disperse while four of the guys continue to fight. Malone pulls up into a little parking lot a couple of stores down from the corner.

Styler gets out of the car as he says to Malone, "I told you this was a good neighborhood."

Malone gets out of the car then pulls out his pistol and shouts, "Freeze!"

Without even looking back at them, everyone fighting takes off running in different directions then Styler says to himself, "They would make me run."

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