Chapter 3: Trades of the Tricks

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One of them steps in Lucas' way to block him from walking any further. The last thing Lucas needs is to draw any type of attention to himself so he resorts to taking the subtle approach. Lucas steps to the right to go around but the thug shifts over and gets in his way again. Lucas looks up at the thug in front of him.

He says in a polite tone with a smile on his face, "Excuse me."

The two girls walk out of the store and begin to watch the three guys talk as the thug off to the left with the cornrows asks, "What you got in them bags?"

Lucas answers, "I have a candy bar and some milk."

The thug in front of him with the short hair and sunglasses asks, "What you got in yo pockets, homeboy?"

Lucas replies in a calm voice, "I'm not your homeboy. Now move."

The thug in front of Lucas shouts as he reaches for the bag, "Who you tellin' to move bitch?!"

Lucas pulls the bag away and takes a step back, refusing to drop the bag from his left hand. The thug in front of him swings his right hand diagonally at Lucas with a haymaker but Lucas dodges and kicks him in the stomach. The thug drops to his knees and falls over, as the other thug steps in and takes a right jab at Lucas. Lucas catches the thug's wrist then twists to the left, forcing him to turn around with his hand going up to his shoulder.

The thug shouts in pain, "Ow ow! That's my arm yo! Let go!"

Lucas tightens his grip and the thug tries to hold in the pain, "Err!"

Lucas asks, "What if I don't let go?"

He lifts the thug's arm up some more then the thug quickly reacts, "Ow! My bad okay? My bad dog. I'm sorry."

Lucas lets him go and pushes the guy away then says irritatingly, "I'm not your fuckin' dog."

The thug he pushed away helps up his partner and they both run off. Lucas looks back and notices the two girls watching in surprise. Lucas walks away, turning left around the plaza's corner.

The blonde girl asks, "Why is it always the nice, quiet ones that are so violent on the inside?"

The brunette girl says, "I thought it was cool. Like something out of a movie."

The blonde girl says in a sarcastic voice, "People don't have anything better to do with their time."

The blonde girl walks away then the brunette says as she rushes to catch up, "Wait for me."

Lucas opens the door to the apartment and walks in to silence. Kenneth will never go anywhere without telling Lucas first. This means something is definitely wrong. He stands in the doorway and looks around. He walks in slowly and closes the door behind him then heads toward the dining area, looking around very cautiously for his missing brother.

Kenneth peeks out from the bathroom by Lucas' room, then creeps out of the bathroom to the front door and sneaks behind Lucas. Lucas, walking slowly toward Kenneth's room, doesn't notice Kenneth sneaking behind him. Kenneth gets close behind Lucas and throws his arms over him to get him in a headlock but Lucas' reflexes cause him to react. Lucas ducks down, grabs Kenneth's right forearm and flips Kenneth over his shoulder and onto the ground. Kenneth lays on the ground as Lucas stands over him.

Kenneth says, "Concentration is the key." Lucas helps him back up to his feet as Kenneth asks, "What took you so long?"

Lucas reaches into the bag and says, "Almost forgot your candy."

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