Chapter 11.2

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He's trying to get words out but Frank won't stop pouring gasoline on his face, even though he's squirming around. Frank starts walking around him and pouring in a circle.

The guy is coughing as he tries to shout, "Please... Stop."

Frank stops pouring and closes the cap on the gas can then looks down at the guy as he lies there, weak.

Frank asks, "You gonna tell me why you're here?"

The guy replies in a tired tone as if he's trying to stay awake, "I'm here to deliver a shipment for Diego Villcorta."

"Who do you work for?"

"Santiago Estrada."

"Do you know anything about the money and diamonds floating around the city?"


Frank sarcastically says, "That's good to know because I want them. Tell me what you know."

Kenneth opens Lucas' bedroom door and sees that he's not there. He hears his phone ring and goes back to his room to answer. He reads Frank on the front of the screen.

He answers and greets, "Yo."

Frank casually asks, "What's goin' on?"

Kenneth answers, "Lookin' for my brother. You got somethin' for us?"

Frank has his gun to the guy's head inside the truck with his crew standing outside behind him. The guy is on his knees still tied up and surrounded by gas with the can a couple of feet away from him.

Frank answers, "Somethin' that you might wanna hear. Hold on."

Frank puts the phone to the beaten up guy's ear and whispers to the guy, "Say exactly what you told me, word for word."

The guy is talking in a jittery stutter of cold fear as he talks on the phone, "The diamond deal... is... supposed to be... happening... in four days."

Frank asks him a dragged out question, as he puts pressure on the guys' head with the gun, "Wheeeere?"

He shouts in pain, "Ahhh! There's a... factory... on the west side... of town. I don't know... which one yet."

Frank puts the phone back to his ear and, as he talks to Kenneth, lights a cigarette then walks out of the truck.

Frank says, "I'm gonna look more into it and find out an exact time and location when the deal's goin' down and give you a call."

Kenneth replies, "Okay thanks."

Frank adds, "By the way, I heard that there are a couple of Detectives and a hired gun snoopin' around lookin' for you guys."

"Do they have anything on us?"

"Not that I know of. You guys cleared your tracks pretty good with selling Ronnie's gang. Just stay vigilant. The two Detectives know they have a leak in their department so they may be holding information for themselves. Turns out, half of those bodies where y'all got jumped by the Radicals, were cops."

"Yeah we know, they were on our list. James Malone and Allen Styler are the Detectives right?"

"Yeah. How'd you guys know about them?"

"We spoke to James a couple of times and gave him a couple of tips."

"So you guys are after the cops too?"

"Everyone has to pay. There are no exceptions."

"The Hitman is sniffing his way through Ronnie's crew so you guys should be good for now. He's keeping a very low profile. I hear he's pretty big time."

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