Chapter 6: Details

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The next morning, Malone is at his beautiful two story home, sleeping comfortably under his blanket in his queen sized bed. The bedroom is very dark because of the curtains that are fending off the sun, aside from the long crack down the middle. A nice two bedroom, two bathroom home, completely furnished with a front and backyard to spare. As well-organized of a cop he is, his home is very much the same, courtesy of his wife Janet. He wakes up and stretches then looks next to him and realizes his wife isn't there. He grabs the remote off of the nightstand next to him and turns on the TV. The news is on with mention of a gang war. Malone sits up and rubs his eyes to watch more clearly.

The skinny brunette reporter is covering the story from the anchor room, "Last night there was a shoot-out in the Wardrick district. There has been a confirmed count of fourteen dead and two injured in the violent episode that took place."

The camera zooms out and a picture of a bloodstain with yellow caution tape pops up at her top left corner.

She continues, "We have Casey Rodriguez on the scene getting more information for us. Casey?"

The screen shifts over to another female reporter live on the scene with a huge crowd and cops standing at ease, blocking the public from going further. The reporter is a Caucasian woman with black hair. Her last name is obviously from a marriage, noticing the wedding ring on her finger.

Casey tells the story, "Thank you Gina. We tried to get statements from a few of the officers but they refuse to speak to us until the investigation is complete but what we were told so far is that this was apparently a gang shooting between two feuding factions. They have the scene completely blocked off. More details will be in after-"

Malone turns the TV off and gets out of the bed then stretches. He's wearing his basketball shorts and a tank top. He opens the shades and lets the morning sun in then shields his eyes a little bit to see outside. The bedroom peeks out into their backyard. The yard is all clear except for grass and a brown wooden fence about thirty feet out.

He leaves the room and walks through his house toward the kitchen. Their rooms are upstairs, one on the left side and one on the right. Their bedroom is on the left side of the house. He walks the hallway and goes down the L-Shaped staircase. The walls going down were covered with pictures of him and his wife from their wedding to other random events.

He looks along the wall and smiles like it's the thing that brightens the start of his day. He walks through the narrow hallway under the stairs then into the kitchen and sees his wife chopping vegetables at the sink. Their kitchen isn't anything spectacular. It has a counter in the middle with a sink and refrigerator on the opposite side of the dining room. The stove is at the wall on the opposite side of the neighboring house next to Janet where she is chopping onions. On the right wall from Janet is the sliding glass door to the backyard.

Malone sneaks up from behind and wraps his arms around her then greets happily, "Hey sweetheart."

Janet replies, "Good morning."

They give each other a quick peck on the lips. Janet is a kind and beautiful woman. Short dark hair, big brown eyes, sweet, and faithful. She is everything he needed in his life, including happy.

She says, as she continues chopping the onions, "Your partner called."

Malone leans his back on the counter next to her and starts biting his nails as he asks, "What'd he say?"

Janet uses her right hand to move his hand down from his mouth and answers his question as if she's remembering slowly, "Hmm... he wanted to know if you saw the news and... said he'll be here in a half an hour."

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