Chapter 6.2

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Lucas circles the room then drops from another hole in the ceiling and starts to chase after Kenneth but loses him.

Lucas shouts, "Clean sweep huh?! Sounds like fun! We goin' straight in or should I dress light?!"

Lucas starts to sneak around by the staircase hallway and checks the coat closet. He then continues down the hall.

Kenneth shouts back, "Dress light! We'll take 'em out one by one for as long as possible!"

"Do we have any information?!"

"The only info we got is where it's at! The recon we gotta do ourselves!"

"So we just need a few more jobs like this and the real fun can begin?! I can't wait much longer! I keep picturing the day in my head! What do you think will happen after?!"

"There won't be an after!"

"I keep seeing an ending where we can both actually walk away from this!"

"Seems like we switched ideals!"

"Only difference is in mine's, we're fugitives!"

Kenneth swings his weapon to hit Lucas, as he sneaks through the dining room doorway but Lucas ducks and grabs Kenneth's arm then put his gun to Kenneth's chest.

Kenneth says, "Don't think too much about it. When the time comes I need you to be focused. We still have an objective."

Lucas says, "Yeah. I won't forget."

A couple of hours later, Vince is standing outside in his courtyard going over the next step on how to get the money and diamonds back from the warehouse bust. His men are standing at the bottom of the three step entryway, including Donnie and Viktor, awaiting the speech.

Vince explains, as he paces back and forth between the two pillars, "I talked to one of my guys on the inside. He said they recovered the diamonds and the money and that they were being held in evidence. Our dear Captain said he got them for us and we made a deal to meet."

Vince walks down the stairs and puts his hand on Viktor's shoulder then says, "I want you to make sure things go okay tomorrow night when we meet with Estrada."

Viktor says, "Yes Mr. Agrentero. Are we keeping the money or will we proceed with the deal as planned?"

Vince says, "We don't need any more enemies at a time like this. Let's take the honest approach. Let Estrada and his boys go about their way."

Viktor nods in agreement, "Yes boss."

Vince walks back up the stairs, continues pacing and says to his troops, "I'm gonna send Donnie here to go pick up the cases from our friend the captain."

Donnie says as he nods his head, "You can count on me boss."

Viktor asks Vince, "Boss, are you sure he can handle it? I have no problem taking care of both for you."

Donnie shouts at Viktor, "Hey look you walking steroid, I can take care of it!"

Vince shouts, "Enough!" Donnie looks angrily at Viktor then Vince replies to Viktor loudly, "Donnie can handle this. They may be planning to get over on us so I need you rested for tomorrow, in case things don't go our way." Vince turns to Donnie, "And Donnie I need you in case things don't go our way tonight." He shouts, "Are we understood?!"

Viktor and Donnie acknowledge Vince, "Yes boss."

Vince says to Viktor, "Go home and get some rest. I'll be in touch." Vince walks to Donnie and says, "Go to the meeting point and pick up my diamond and my money. They'll be in civilian clothing and cars as to not raise any suspicion."

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