Chapter 25

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(Nathan's POV)

We had finally arrived at the pirate games, with everyone splitting off to go do whatever they wanted. I was following Thomas and Arabella to the event sign up, letting them decide. Arabella had felt bad about Thomas not having anyone to go with, so she invited him to go with us. As I watch her flip through the pages, I can't help but think how much has changed since this time last year.

The crew had been just us guys, and we mostly did whatever we wanted. Even farther back, when I had first joined the crew, I hadn't even wanted to be a pirate, mostly staying because I felt I owed captain after saving my ass twice. Even after being on for awhile, I hadn't really wanted to get close to anyone, mostly just doing what I was supposed to do, not really trying to get to know the rest of the crew. If you asked anyone, they would tell you I was quiet, gruff, and anti-social at first. If you're around the same group for a long time everyday though, you can't help getting to know them eventually. I got close to all of them, they are all good guys, and eventually, they became my family.

If you had asked me back then, about if I ever saw myself getting married, the answer would have been hell no. Things change, though, and now I'm married to one of the most stubborn woman I have ever met, and I wouldn't change a thing. She was an irritating, smart ass, stranger at first, bossing her way into my kitchen. She wouldn't shut the hell up in the kitchen, but she was genuine, and kind. She was loud, and liked to curse, but she would do almost anything to help someone else. She wasn't afraid to stand up and fight, and hell, she even cried for me once when I told her about my past. Somehow I had fallen for her, and never looked back.

"Hey Nate, we can all do this cooking one. Whatcha think?" she asks suddenly, bringing me from my thoughts.

"Sure, if that's what ya want." I answer smiling. I know she probably picked it, for two reasons. One, because I would have wanted to do it, and two, because all three of us could do it together.

We start walking over to the arena they had set up. We pass some of the crew on the way, going off to do their own events. Arabella catches sight of Kris hugging Nero, and I could see her glaring at Nero, and looking concerned at Russell. "Leave it Arabella. It'll all work itself out." I tell her quietly, taking a grip on her arm before she can go interfere.

She rolls her eyes at me."It's just... look at Russ, I feel bad. I'm sorry, I know Nero is your brother, but still.. I feel bad for Russ." she says quietly, but doesn't fight me or pull away.

"I know tomboy, but it will work itself out. Besides, maybe Russell needs that push so he will finally do something about it." I say, and she nods, not saying anything more on the subject.

I pull her towards me, wrapping an arm around her waist as we walk. I don't even think twice about doing it now, but it used to be a lot harder for me to show affection. Hell, when I got the ring for her on a whim, I wasn't even sure when I was gonna ask her. I knew I wanted to spend my life with her, but I wasn't planning on asking her till farther down the road. I was just gonna hold onto the ring, saving it for later. I changed my mind after she ended up and jail, and almost losing her shortly after. Almost losing her really put shit in perspective, and after she woke up, I didn't want to put off asking her anymore.

We reach the arena, and enter with Thomas. The event goes by quickly, all of us working together, to make paella. Arabella suggested it, since it was something she liked, and I had taught her how to make it awhile back. It was a dish from Spain, and had a mixture of different meat and seafood, with flavored rice. It was simple enough, and we did our best to include Thomas, so he wouldn't feel left out.

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