Children Of Unmei: Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Call

Here goes another boring day in my life. Well, what’s new? It has always been like this for me. I drop the book I am reading down the floor and lay at my own bed. I stare at the blank ceiling, thinking that maybe at this time today, I might be sitting in class or hanging somewhere around with my friends at school. That is if I didn’t stop attending high school, but I did. I stopped when I notice weird things happening to me. I am insane to say this but I’m having thoughts or ideas that aren’t mine. Like those ideas would just pop-in on my mind but I really am sure that I wasn’t thinking about it at all. Then sometimes it’s exactly the pictures I can see- like visions. Then one thing I knew is that I can read minds. Sounds cool but perfectly insane, yea? That’s what I thought, too. I confirmed this “special ability” of mine when I got home one evening from school and when mom opens the door, our eyes met. Guess what? I’ve read that mom’s having this thought whether to tell me the truth about me being not her real daughter. At first, I thought I was just tired and over-imagining things but the very next day, she told me about it and it is confirmed. That I am not a real Ayazawa daughter and that I have this weird ability. I did not quit schooling after that because I’m confident that I can handle my situation. And I am wrong. Things got worse when I read my best friend’s mind and found out that she’s sneaking with my boyfriend and saying a lot of bad things about me. I also saw this flashback on her crappy mind, making out with him. Isn’t that great? Oh! And by that time I discovered something again about this “special ability” of mine. It was during our P.E class. My ex-best friend was playing for the other team and I was on the opposite. We’re looking eye to eye and I’ve seen something dirty on her mind again that makes me so mad. All of the sudden, the volleyball flew directly on her face just exactly as what I wanted to do. But believe me I didn’t do it! The ball wasn’t in my hands that tine but on my teammate. Carline says she didn’t do anything and cries a lot that whole day because she ends up in the guidance office that day while my ex-best friend in the clinic for her bleeding nose. I kept thinking about it and something in my mind says I did it. Curious, I try to put up a test and place a small vase above my study table. I tried to make it move even just a bit but after a several hours of looking like a dumb to myself, I gave up. I thought to myself that it was just coincidence. Then I remember to receive a text message from my old brother that time, saying that he forgot to buy the costume I told him to buy and he can’t go back, he is on the way home. Can’t be! I need that costume tomorrow morning! I got so angry that night that I wanted to break everything in there. And guess what? The vase above the table just flew to the door that is closed and broke into pieces! Since then, I quit schooling and avoid interacting too much with people. As time goes by, I’ve learned that looking unto people’s eyes makes me see and read their minds but with my dark sun glass on, it can be prevented. And my ability to move things can be triggered when my angry or upset. So every time I would go out of the house, I am with my most reliable guards- my dark sun glass and my temper.

         Phone rings. I open my eyes quickly when I heard my cellphone’s ringing tone. It’s mom. I mean the foster one. Mom had been abroad for almost three years and she never had a clue about my weirdness. And I don’t like the idea of telling her. Not that I don’t trust her or anything. I love her as well as my older brother. They treated me like their own and I really am thankful about it but… maybe not now. “Hello, mom? What’s up?”, I said when I hit the answer button.

         “Everything is fine here, baby? How are you doing with Nasty?”, she replied, sounding so cheerful as usual. Mom always wears that same spirit whenever she is talking to me or to my brother. Make me wonder if she really is fine.

         “Cool with it. Don’t have any trouble by now.”, I said. Mom says a lot of other things like how her work there, her boss was and co-workers, the places there and a lot more. I was listening attentively and was busy replying “yeah?”, “great”, and “cool” when I heard a knock on the door of the living area.

         “It might be Nasty.”, I said over the phone talking about my older brother. I ran to the door and open it quickly but found no one there. Instead there was a flyer lying on the floor. I pick it up and lodge inside the house.

         “Was it Nasty, dear?’, asked mom.

         “No,”, I said while shaking my head as if mom can see. “It was just someone giving flyers door-to-door.”

         After a few more chit-chat, we hung up and I went back to my own room. I found the flyer in my hand and it says WELCOME TO OUR ACADEMY. And nothing else. “Heck! I don’t have any plans of going to school again.”, I said then throw the flyer away over the floor. I lay down my bed again and think. I don’t really want to attend school, do I? Argh! The truth is I really want. Just that things aren’t normal as they do before. I was about to plug my headset when my cellphone rings again and registered a private number. Lazily, I reach for it and press the answer button. “Hello?”

         “Ms.Yame Ayazawa, you are admitted to attend the prestigious Dark Academy. Classes will start next week and please be here tomorrow.”, said the male voice over the line and before I could come up with anything, it ended.

         “What the-“, I said then grab the flyer again that is resting on the floor. Dark Academy, the school for the extraordinary beings. That was what stated in the flyer. Strange, but these words aren’t written earlier. Wait; is this a prank, joke or what? That’s just impossible. No one knows about my weird abilities- even my brother.

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