Children Of Unmei: Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Unexpected

Sitting at the round table, alone and quiet as I stare out of nowhere. I am still stunned and confused of what just happened a few moments ago. The moment when I was there at the center with all the attention I could possibly get and refused Senior Lorenzo’s personal invitation. Yeah, I refused to go at the prestigious second campus but it seems fine to the board members. I mean, he don’t seem mad at all that he even said I’m something unique and blah blah blah. If it’s that easy to refuse and they won’t force me to come then other students can do like what I did too. I scratch my head lightly and shove my hair. These students are impossible to refuse such great opportunity. As what Mori said before, second campus is what they aim for. Anyone who will get in my shoes would definitely say ‘yes’ to him.

    “Goodness, Yame! I can’t believe you just said no!”, Mori blurt out as she stood in front of me. I look up at her and smile lamely. Mori keeps repeating that fact for about ten times tonight. I hope she’ll get over it tomorrow. “And now you’re sitting there like some kind of unrefrigerated veggies. Come on, get up! Let’s dance.”, she said then pull both of my hands. I was about to stand up when the fast and groovy music turns into a slow and sweet one. I remain sitting there and watch some students dance in pairs.

    “Go on, do it.”, I heard a kid said in encouragement to the other kid ahead of him. I look at them closely and saw that the kid is actually pushing the other towards our direction.

    “Okay, okay! Just quit pushing.”, the other kid said. And I am right, they are heading our direction. “Hi.”, he said when he gets in front of me. He looks familiar, I thought. Then I remember that he is the kid who almost bumps into me at the Music Class.

    “Vann?”, I asked, looking up at him. The kid nods nervously. “Hey, what’s up?”, I asked in a smile as I stood up.

    “Just fine. The dress fits you.”, he said.

    “Oh, yeah? Thanks for this, by the way.”, I said still plastering smile on my face. He looked really nervous and I just want to ease it.

    “Y-you’re welcome. Uh… can I d-dance with you?”, he asked. Before I could response, Mori came again.

    “Get on the floor, Yame.” She said. I look at the kid again and thought I’m glad he still has the courage to ask me despite the announcement earlier. Not that I feel superior now but I just feel a little alienated and paranoid

    “Come on.”, I said. Vann smiles as we walk to the dance floor. No harm in this, after all he is just a kid, I thought as I figure out that I’m a bit taller than him. As we were dancing in the middle of the sweet and relaxing music, my mind started to think that it’s just like one of those ordinary prom night. I look around and saw a lot of pairs swinging, including Ruth who is with his twin brother, Jake. Mori joins us in afterwards with a blonde guy.

    “Can I dance with the Seeker?”, asked a cool voice behind me. I look back and saw its Senior Lorenzo. He is looking directly at Vann.

    “But we just dance.”, I automatically replied to him. I look at Vann again and saw tension in his look.

    “Its f-fine.”, he said looking at me and then he turn to the board member. “The lady is yours, sir.”, he said and walk away.

    “The kid is happy that he got the chance to dance with the Seeker.”, Senior Lorenzo said as he turn over Vann’s position. I look at him and saw the shine in his eyes together with a warm smile.

    “How can you say so?”, I asked wondering if he can also read minds or anything like that. The man looked surprised.

    “Well, it is really a pleasure to have a dance with the Seeker. Am I not right?”, he asked back. I just keep my mouth shut. Does he always have to point it out? That I am the Seeker and not normal of the entire not normal? “You should know that I have this very reliable source who told me about your business with the head instructor.”, he said after a long silence between us. Though I didn’t say anything, I know he can feel my apprehensiveness. Is he talking about the training? Does he also know that I have some idea about their business? A lot of other questions are circling through my head right now. “So don’t think you can… escape.”, he added in finality. He started to walk away from the dance floor, leaving me in wide eyes. I turn around in contemplation. Did he just say all of those things? I hope I’m just imagining things but I’m not. I stood in the middle as II think. Dorothy must know about these but I never noticed her around ever since the party started. I can’t feel her maryoku aura either.

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