Children Of Unmei: Chapter 8

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 Chapter 8: Instructor Gem’s Confirmation

Alena Gem

Come to think of it, if what I saw last night isn’t just my imagination, then it must be real. Meaning… one of our students holds the key to Master’s plan. I remember him talks about the Seeker with the others before. I cannot remember what they are talking about the thing but it sure would please him. I shall report it to the board members and they shall acknowledge me for this. If that happens then my will shall follow, right? I smile at the thought as I walk down the stairs to my next class. But what if I’m wrong, I thought again. Yes, I should investigate more about it and I should do it fast! Dorothy might report first before I do and that should not happen! But I guess the Instructor D don’t know anything about that student being the Seeker. Because if she does, she sure will hold a meeting with us. That is if she’s still in ally with us. The instructor had been acting strange these past few months.

Yame Ayazawa

I fell on the A section of the academy in senior level together with the student councils and never thought that my first class here will be so much fun. Instructor Wilson is our adviser n Music Class and earlier she taught us the piano. Not that I’m all kiddy and ignorant about the instrument but I just love music and add to that the fact that our instructor is awesome! She is full of good vibes and it seems when you’re around her, you can’t help but have the same vibes too. Instructor Wilson told us that music invigorates our soul and heart which affects our body, as well as our maryoku. That’s also one secret of a powerful and strong Child of Unmei. Well, that is right! When I was playing the piano, I felt my soul lifts. Like my whole system was refreshed. I just looove our Music Class! It’s quite funny but maybe I’m feeling this because this is my first time to attend school again after a couple of years hiding under our roof. Oh! And Instructor Wilson has this beautiful maryoku which allows her to grow plants, flowers or trees whenever and wherever she wants. Isn’t it awesome?! She cultivates the academy’s garden, no wonder it looks great.

         “Let’s go, Yame. Physical Education is right next.”, said the student council president as she grabs her shoulder bag. I stood up swiftly and walk with her to the next class. “How was it?”, she asked about Music Class while smiling shyly.

         “Great! I just love our first subject! And our instructor, she is truly awesome!”, I blurt out and starts to walk backward. I keep on babbling things when I noticed Ruth’s facial expression changed and that she wasn’t listening to me anymore. I look behind me and it’s too late to move away because I already hit her. Alena Gem.

         “I-instructor Gem!”, Ruth practically yelled looking so surprised and fearful. “W-we’re sorry! We’re not watching our steps.”, she continued. Ruth bowed her head so low then quickly bends down the floor to pick up the shattered papers. The poor girl looked shaken all of the sudden in her presence. Why is that, I asked to myself. I turn to the floor also to help Ruth picking the papers when I hear her shriek in a low voice. I glance at her and saw a foot stepping on her hand. I look up… it’s Alena’s! Ruth stops moving but don’t dare to move her hands from being stepped on. She doesn’t even look up to the instructor! I quickly stood up and glare at the instructor who is smiling meanly in front of us.

         “You’re stepping on her hand!”, I said strongly. But she seemed to hear nothing and gawks at me. Specifically, to my forehead just like last night. Yeah… last night she tried to see my forehead but I ran to my room. Back there I was rattled when I saw the diamond-shaped stone in my forehead shining. Is that the same thing she saw that night? I remember Ruth and Dorothy called me a Seeker when they saw this thing on me. What does that mean? I tap my forehead absent-mindedly with the thought.

         “You still don’t have manners, new girl.”, the instructor said, pulling me back to present. Her smile widens when I roll my eyes over her. She closely looks like a witch, I thought. Finally, she let go of Ruth’s hand and I help the girl get on her feet. Still with her head bowed down, she held out the papers to the witch instructor.

         “We’re minutes late for the discussion.”, she speak out without even apologizing or saying thank you to the girl. She passes me one last look before going inside the room. I heard Ruth sigh when the evil instructor is out of our sight.

         “Are you alright?”. I asked to her afterwards. I can tell the girl’s still shaking a bit and her face grew paler.

         “Yes.”, Ruth nods. “Let’s go”, she continued then walks in. I followed her inside and we took the last seats at the back. As Alena discuss something in front, I can’t help but look fiercely at her because I also caught her look at me meanly from time to time. I tried to focus on what she is saying but I really cannot understand a thing. Something is distracting me. I grab the pen above my desk and pretend that I’m filling in the seatwork she gave us when Alena talks about something that caught my attention.

         “I feel kinda strange today.”, she said which makes me stop from writing. Does she feel what I’m feeling too? No. I don’t thin so, I thought then continue pretending. “The wild cat, Eluna Field, is not around.”, she voice out and began to walk in the aisle. I hold my head up to see that everyone was dragged to the given seatwork and the instructor is coming my way. “Well, that student is a big pain for everyone here. We’re all lucky that she moved-away. She surely will get her discipline in the second campus.”, she continued bitterly.

         “You should be the one to learn discipline.”, I though that I didn’t knew came out of my mouth. I saw some students glance up at me but quickly get back to work when they saw Alena walk towards me. Now, I’m feeling quite nervous and regret why I can’t keep my thoughts in my head. But so what, she’s talking about Eluna behind her back when she don’t even know her well! We glare at each other for a while when I suddenly felt her hand over my forehead, tracing the diamond-shaped stone there. I was shocked but I quickly disperse her hand off of me which makes her step aback.

         “Looks like we’ve got another wild cat here.”, she murmurs in the air as she turns around, back in front.

“What?! You really did that?!”, exclaimed Mori when I told her about what happened earlier. We were all at the cafeteria for our one hour vacant and obviously, Mori was so surprised at my story. “I cannot believe you.”, she said then sip her cola on the bottle.

         “You just put yourself into a war.”, commented Jake as he chew his own tuna sandwich.

         “He’s right.”, agreed Ruth who is sitting beside me.

         “I guess, but see what she did to you? That’s not right. And she even insult a student who isn’t here anymore.”, I reason out.

         “We know that but did you know that Eluna stand over Instructor Gem and it took her two and a half years before she got transferred to the second campus?”, said Jake.

         “Well, is that bad?”, I asked nonchalantly and fork the hotdog in my plate and bite it.

         “You bet!”, he answered. “For a mental-typed maryoku, it should only take a year and a half then you’ll be transferred on the second campus.”, he continue explaining.

         “But what’s with that second campus, anyway?”, I asked again between chewing my food.

      “Well, as they said, maryoku enhancement is all you got to do there. No academics. There are also a lot of very good instructors in the second campus plus they are really good-looking!”, said Mori in shining eyes. “If you’re a good student here then you’ll pass and go there. That is what everyone’s aiming for!”, she added. I just nod my head and fork another hotdog. Okay, maybe I really get myself into something bad.

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