Children Of Unmei: Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: The Traitor

I was humming a song as I walk on the stairs up to the second floor. English Literature is my first subject for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Anyways, that subject just ended and I cannot believe our class will do a play for the next meeting. Instructor Gray divided us into three groups and gave each group a category that should be presented. I am not new into role playing things but I’m telling you, I’m not good at it! Actually, I really think I am not good at anything at all. As I keep on walking to my next class which is Maryoku Enhancement, I pass by on a group of students holding bows and arrows. They’re aiming a rag doll as their target in front then try to hit it one after another. I hope I can be good at something too, I thought.

         “Loosing your way, Ayazawa?”, asked a flirty voice after me. I quickly turn around to see Alena standing there. She’s holding a silver-colored bow and a basket of arrow on the other hand.

         “No.”, I answered calmly while adjusting my eyeglass. I turn my back against her to continue walking to my own class but she grabs my right arm and makes me turn to her face. “What do you want?”. I asked fiercely as I struggle from her tight hold.

         “The symbol on your forehead,”, she said in a dim manner, finally letting me go. “Do you know what is that?”, she asked. I was taken aback. So her concern after all was the ‘symbol’ on my forehead? This diamond-shaped stone here? Dorothy and Ruth saw this thing too and they looked bothered that time. What’s the deal about this thing?!

         “I can give you the answer only if you’ll be a friend to me.”, she says afterwards. We’re now staring eye to eye when all the while I felt dizzy. I don’t like this feeling.

         “Ayazawa, you’ll be late in our class.”, said someone behind me which makes me blink my eyes. I felt like I’ve been awaken from a deep sleep. I look back and saw Dorothy walking towards our direction.

         “Oh, Instructor D. You’re student might want to join our archery training today, what do you think?”, Alena asked Dorothy. The young instructor let her lips curve a knowing smile as she passes her dirty look to me.

         “There’s a right time for that, Instructor Gem. Right time.”, Dorothy answered, emphasizing her words then turn around to walk back. I quickly follow her to our room just when I realized that Alena has the maryoku of hypnotism. What I felt earlier was all because of her maryoku and I almost got hooked by it. That witch! But why does she want to hypnotize me?

Dorothy Beat

I’m still thinking about the scene between Alena and Ayazawa earlier. Does that instructor already know the thing about the new student? Yes, I bet she does. The smile on her red lips speaks more than what she can say. I flip the page of the book in my hand. It was the book of records of the past members of the board, head instructors and leaders of the Dark Academy. Yame Ayazawa is on the same line as these people and I can’t believe we have her in this generation. If Instructor Gem already figured it out then sooner or later she will send a report to them. That isn’t good news. I should make a move or else they’ll be taking another student again. I flip the page open again together with the sound of sliding door.

         “Checking on something, Head Instructor?”, asked someone from the opened door and without looking back, I know its Alena. “Ah,”, she said when she reached my place. “Reminiscing the memories of the old school leaders, eh?”

         “Not really.”, I said then shut the book close. I walk away from her and return the book to its dusty shelf. “I got to go.”, I said again.

         “You know that I know the thing about the new girl, right?”, she asked. I was frozen to where I’m standing. I shouldn’t be dealing about this right now but here she is… and I’ve got to face her.

         “And?”, I asked back. Alena took a comfortable seat at the chair near her and cross her legs.

         “So you know it, too?”, she said. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

         “I don’t have to tell you anything! I am the Head Instructor!”, I exclaimed, trying to make a point.

         “That’s beside the point. We’re both working under them, have you forgotten?”, she said calmly.

         “Ayazawa is a new student.”, I said again slowly, emphasizing my words on her face. “She doesn’t even know how to use her maryoku.”

         “But we have to report it, right? You know that’s the order to us!”, Alena exclaimed when she stood up from her seat. “Tell me honestly, are you still with us?”, she asked. I was frozen once more. Those questions are the last thing I wanted to hear from anyone. Because I actually don’t know what should be the right answer for that stupid question. For the past few years I’ve been under this academy but never to the new board member’s dirty projects.

         “Give the new girl some more time. She must learn the basics first.”, I said, obviously avoiding her question.

         “I don’t know what is on your mind but I’m telling you, I’m watching every move of yours.”, she said passing by me to the open door. “We don’t want traitors in our group, right?”, she added and walk out of the History room, leaving me alone inside.

Yame Ayazawa

Traitors? What does that witch mean by that? And what’s the deal between the two of them? Those are the questions lurking in my mind as I hide myself at the consecutive room. I just came from the Faculty Room but she wasn’t there and Instructor Karada told me that she might be in the History room. The kind instructor introduces herself as my instructor in History class and I was a bit embarrassed when she asked me if I’m okay now. Well, I wasn’t able to attend her and Dorothy’s class because I fainted. Hell, yes I did! I cannot remember exactly what happened but I just felt weird earlier like some kind of aura is drawing to me. Is that the reason why I fainted? I really cannot understand what is going on around me and that is one reason why I am here.

         “Come on, quit hiding.”, said a familiar voice from the closed door joined by a knock which makes me jump, literally, from where I’m standing. How come she knows I am here? Slowly, I slide the door open and step out quietly. “What are you doing here?”, asked Dorothy as she starts to walk back in the room.

         “W-well,”, I mumble. I feel kinda nervous all of the sudden. Why do I feel so guilty for listening to their private conversation? It was actually by accident besides, I only heard a little. “I came here to—“

         “Are you feeling fine?”, she asked again, cutting me off my words.

         “Y-yeah, I’m fine. I am sorry about earlier but that is not the reason why I came here.”, I replied in much determined voice. “I wanted to talk to you about something really important.”, I added. I heard Dorothy stifle a breath when she glances at me and nod.

            “Okay. I guess we really have something to discuss.”, she agreed then we both take our seats

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