Children of Unmei: Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Team & Family

Yame Ayazawa

“Damn! Look what you’ve done to our things, Field!”, exclaimed Nico as we all walk through the tunnel once again. He is holding his backpack that is soaked with water. Yeah, all our bags are really wet because of the unexpected flood earlier but if it’s not because of what Eluna and her two friends did, I don’t know what could’ve happened to us.

        “I really wouldn’t care at all if it’s only your things.”, she replies as she keeps on walking beside me. “But I’m sorry that your belongings got soaked as well.”, she continue, looking at me and to the others.

        “You saved us. It’s worth more than our things. Thank you.”, Ruth said towards Eluna in a meek voice. That’s when I remembered that this two has something ‘unclosed’ back there. I hope they could be good friends in this task.

        “She’s right, Eluna.”, I said as we keeps walking. Eluna just smile and quickly turns to Nico who is walking behind us.

        “But it’s really good to see all of you, especially the devil who I never imagined to be here.”, she said. Nico smirked.

        “Heh! Never imagined the wild cat to be here either. But I told you, it’s just for Natasha.”, he answered.

        “Oh, yeah. But whatever it is, I guess the board members already knew you, guys, are here.”, she said. “They sent their knights to see if you’re really coming or maybe to capture you.”, she added when she turns to me. I felt my body shivers. Why would they want to capture me?

        “But how did they knew we’re coming?”, Jake asked.

        “Obviously, someone told them.”, Nico answers. “There’s a traitor on the team we made.”, he added. Everyone keeps their mouth shut as Eluna just nod her head. A traitor? The team consists of Jether and Mick who doesn’t know everything about this. It also includes Instructor Shinri and Lady Mara. There’s no way they would betray me! I’m certain of that. I shook my head mentally and despise the thoughts. I look at the moving group and saw the knight walking not far from Nico. Could he be a spy from the traitor of the board members? Well, that’s what I thought about Instructor Shinri before and I might be thinking wrong again.

        “Don’t worry about it. Whoever it was, we’ll make sure that they won’t get through us.”, Eluna said with certainty. She sounds so confident and relax. Really sounds like the old Eluna Field I knew. Suddenly, we turn to the left corner of the tunnel and I was surprised that the part where we went shines with so much light. I blink a couple of times to adjust my sight that is used of the dark and I was double surprised with what I saw. That part of the tunnel looks more like a room. There are three sofa beds aligned in one corner, a long dining table and few weapon parts above it on the other corner. There’s also a single bed beside the table and there’s a guy sleeping on it. Walls and floor doesn’t look like those of the outside. It is printed with different kind of birds and they are… moving!

        “Where exactly are we, Eluna?”, I asked as I gawk around the place. But instead of answering me, she comfortably lies down the first sofa bed on the corner while the other two went on to the other opening of the room. From there, a young girl came out. She looks like nine or eight, what is she doing here?!

        “Commander, you’re back!”, she exclaims in wide smile as her figure slowly dissolves into a teenage girl with brown curls.

        “Yeah and we have visitors.”, Eluna answers. “Where’s everyone?”, she asked and quickly sit up above the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2012 ⏰

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