Children Of Unmei: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Leaving

After thinking and thinking about it for over five hours, I’ve decided to go to that Dark Academy. This might be my fate and just maybe, I might find something there like who I am (aside from being Yame Ayazawa), my purpose in life, why I have these abilities or just anything, something to do in my boring life. I don’t want to be buried again here at home for the next days, weeks or months and I want to do something new. I stare at the traveling bag above my bed and check stuffs there. I load almost all inside my drawers and cabinet ‘cause as said in the flyer, Dark Academy is an dormitory school. “All set.”, I said after I check my black backpack.

         “Are you sure you can travel alone?”, asked my brother, Nasty, over the phone whom I forgot was there. I turn off the loud speaker and grab the phone that is above the table. “I could file a vacation at my work to go with you.”, he said after a while.

         “No, thanks. But I wanted to be alone for now.”, I replied quickly. I didn’t tell him that I’m going on an academy where I’m admitted to attend. Because first, I’m not sure if an academy like this exist so I gotta check this out. Second, they actually don’t know my abilities so why would I tell them that I’m going on a special academy?

         “Stop it, Yame. You’re always alone, remember?”, Nasty said. I take a deep breath and thought he is right. I’m not like this before, really. I just started to be a “loner” when I discovered I ain’t normal at all.

         “Just tell mom, okay?”, I said.

         “Alright.”, he replied. Finally giving up the thought of coming with me. “Call me when you need anything”, he added and after a minute, the line ended.

         I pick up the flyer that advertise the academy and started to walk out of the house with my traveling bag and backpack that I’m carrying. It is so hot today, I thought when I reached the main door. I put on my dark sunglass which is clipped at my backpack’s pocket. I should be thankful that the sun is up today because if not, I would look weird to have this sunglass when the cloud’s all dark and gray, right? Before I leave our village, I pass by my brother’s best friend’s house. Nasty said I can spare the house’s key to the guy. I knock on the huge and shiny door and almost got knocked down the ground when Tenshi opens it and scream my name so loud, as if I wasn’t there and standing in front of her. Anyways, Tenshi is a self-proclaimed biggest fan of mine ever since she saw me do the guitar during Battle of the Bands. Well, I really don’t play the guitar that good and I don’t like playing it but that battle was a part of our organization fair activity at school. I had to play a lot of songs by requests.

         “Yame! It’s such an honor for me that you came here! Oh, and I am practicing play the guitar right now. I so wanted to be like you! Anyway, how are you doing?”, she blurted out without stopping to breath. No, she stops when she saw my bags. “Do you have a gig?”, she asked with her eyes sparkling.

         “Uh, no. I’m off for, uh, vacation.”, I answered smiling at my number one fan. “Is Kaze in?”, I asked Tenshi, talking about his older brother which is my brother’s best friend.

“Yes! Would you want to come in?”, she said joyfully as she widens     the opening of their door. I refused to and said I’m in hurry. I handed her the      key of our house.

         “Please hand it to your brother. Nasty will come over to get it soon.” I said. The girl just nod as I tell her I’ll go ahead and as I walk away I can still hear her voice saying, “Enjoy your vacation and come back soon, Yame!”

“Thanks.”, I said to the taxi driver when he unloads my bag from the compartment. I roam my eyes around the street that is well-crowded. I started to walk, passing by a lot of strangers. Nothing seems strange and unique here. It’s like an old village with so much street vendors around. I stop by an eatery and sat at one vacant seat at a round wooden table. The eatery looks vintage but elegant because of the decors, furnitures and ceramics inside. An old woman approaches me and asks what I’d like to have.

     “Just a glass of cold apple juice and fries.”, I answered kindly then she went away to the counter. I felt my eyes hurt so I manage to take off my sunglass for a while. It wouldn’t be much inconvenient if I do besides, there are only few people around here. “So where am I?”, I asked to myself and pull out the flyer from my jeans’ pocket. I am not so familiar in this place and how would I? I stopped hanging around anywhere since I’ve found out I ain’t normal. Well, when was the last time I felt normal and go out of the house without this sunglass? I shook my head mentally. I cannot remember. The old woman came back with my apple juice and fries on a tray. I was enjoying my snack when all of the sudden I felt strange. Like some kind of aura or energy tinkles in my mind that is hard to explain. I look around and my eyes focused on a lady in an all white office suit. Carrying a bag on her right shoulder and a laptop in hand, she walks to the table across mine. Why do I have this funny feeling that the strange aura came from her?

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