Children Of Unmei: Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Dorothy Beat

I walk towards her and see her stomps her feet under the table when accidentally, a little girl came running and got a grip on the table causing the laptop to fell- but, wait! Did it just happen? No, it did not! I mean, yes, it did! The movement of everything around suddenly stops. Everything froze way too fast. It’s like one second the laptop was about to fell on the floor but instead it froze in the air then in a blink of an eye everything is normal. Just amazing. The kid just apologizes, walk-away and nothing happens.

         “That was awesome! How did you do that?!”, I blurted out as soon as I reached her table. The lady looks up at me and our eyes met. Silence. Kids, students, offices and school building- “Dark Academy’ on the brass plate which is standing on the garden ground. I blink and hurriedly move my eyes away from hers. “I- I’m sorry.”. I apologize as I sat down the chair beside her. And I really am. I didn’t mean to read or see her thoughts. But, hey, did I just saw Dark Academy on her mind?

         “Are you alright? You look pretty exhausted.”, the lady said. I don’t want to intrude on her mind again so I put on my dark sunglass again when I look at her. I know this might be rude but I have no choice for now.

         “You’re from Dark Academy?”, I asked in a way like making a statement not a question. Her worried face dissolves into confusion. I showed her the flyer of the said academy that I’m holding and that is now crumpled. “I’m talking about this.”, I added. She takes a look at it, then to me and to it again.

         “Well, how sure are you that I am from that academy?”, she asked back and sip from her bottled water.

         “I saw what you did earlier.”, I said. She looks at me again and I added, “They froze, I saw it.”. “And… I saw it on your mind.”, why do I sound so guilty when I said that. I didn’t mean that! Geez!

         “You saw what I did?”, she repeated in a question. “And you see through mind?”, she asked sounding a little shocked and I nod. She then continues typing on her laptop while I just stare at her. Waiting for anything that would come out of her mouth. “Yes,”, she started. “Yes, I’m from Dark Academy. I’m one of the instructors, actually.”

         “Oh.”, is all I can say. Lucky me! I just encountered one of their instructors; it means the academy really exists. And with her, it won’t be hard to get there.

         “Are you attending the academy?”, she asked after a while.

         “Well… yes, I guess.”, I answered hesitantly.

         “You’re not sure?”, she asked again.

         “Of course I am!”, I exclaimed. Am I being interrogated?! “I’m so tired of doing nothing and I want to study again. But with this ability of mine, I can’t do it around the people I used to live with before.”, I said. Whoa! I never thought I’ll be able to say it to a stranger. Those are some things I can’t say to mom or even to my brother. I can’t even admit it to myself either.

         “They don’t do regular classes there, you know.”, she said flatly as she continues typing on her keyboard.

         “I know that but I still want to. Besides, I want to know who I am or why I have these abilities.”, I explained.

         “Have you ever asked your parents?”, she asked now staring directly to my eyes. Fortunately, I have my sunglass on. One, I won’t be able to read or see her thoughts and last, she won’t be able to see the look in my eyes.

         “I…”, I said. I clear my throat before I continue and said, “I grew up with my foster family and no. They don’t even have any idea that I have these weird powers.”, then silence. Makes me think who are my real parents or do they have same weird abilities like me? I wonder…

         “If you really want to attend the academy, way to get there will be easy if you’ll come with me.”, she said then fold her laptop and stood up. “But I’m still looking for someone around here, I just hope you won’t mind.”, she added. I stood up and nod enthusiastically. I ran to my own table, grab my things and followed her outside the eatery and to the vacant lot. There she opens the compartment of black Innova and helped me load my things in there. Afterwards I take my seat at the front and her, of course, at the driver’s.

         “I’m Dorothy Beat or Instructor D at the academy. “ , she said as she starts the engine of the car.

         “I’m Yame Ayazawa.”

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