Children Of Unmei: Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Hidden Truths

“You gotta be kidding.”, I said after I’ve heard Dorothy’s explanation about the thing in my forehead. “And they will be after me? Why me?!”, I asked hysterically as my mind cannot process all the details. This Seeker thing is driving me all nuts! Dorothy just revealed to me the dirty business going on inside the Dark Academy’s board members. Students are being used to something illegal and it’s not right.

         “I don’t know! But you have to accept that. It’s a gift and you have to be thankful!”, Dorothy yelled back. Accept and be thankful? This thing just gets me in danger! She stood up and started to walk back and forth. I can feel that she is more tensed than I am right now.

         “I cannot understand! Why do you have to accept what they’re doing with the students? Why don’t you fight?!”, I blurted out, also standing up from my seat. Dorothy suddenly stops moving.

         “I… was too afraid that time.”, she answered in a low voice while her back is against me. “I grew up in an orphanage. When I turned nine, a kind and rich couple adopted me and treated me very well. Their son was kind to me as well.”, she continued. “When they found out I am no ordinary, they never freaked out. They loved me even more… and that is the reason why I can’t go against them that time. I was afraid that they might hurt my family and I’m just protecting them.” I was nailed to where I’m standing when Dorothy stopped talking. How could I accuse her for not fighting when I don’t even know her situation? I’m so careless! I never thought that this almost-cold-blooded instructor was once an orphanage girl and we both grew with foster family.

         “But…”, Dorothy voice out again. “They killed my family. All of them! That point in my life, I thought I’ve lost everything. I don’t have anyone to protect anymore. But I am wrong when I realized I still have my students.”, she stated.

         “Right but those students you’re protecting are being taken away too.”, I said calmly.

         “I know! That’s why I decided to break the bond between me and the board members— my loyalty. But me alone isn’t enough.”, she said finally facing me. Yes, she is right. One isn’t enough to stand against a group of heartless people.

         “How about the other instructors?”, I asked.

         “Alena Gem and I are the only instructors involved in this.”, she answered eagerly. I get it now. That’s the reason why that Alena called her a traitor. “And Ruth Sill also know it.”, she added.

         “But I don’t get it. All you said about me being the Seeker is a really surprising and big responsibility.”, I said and turn around to face the glass window. It’s getting dark outside.

         “That’s right. That’s the reason why you need to go on certain class and trainings.”, she replied. Trainings? I asked to myself as I scratch my head and accidentally touch the eyeglass that I’m wearing. It reminds me of my maryoku that I can’t even control. Maybe I really need that ‘training’ after all.

         “I’m confused.”, I utter absent-mindedly.

         “Seekers can improve one maryoku in each type that’s why they are powerful. And their main ability is to tell a certain location of Children of Unmei— to sense them. If you will train, you won’t be confused.”, Dorothy explains. I turn around to look at her. I remember the first time I saw her down the old village. I felt her strange aura but it’s not like what I feel around Alena. Why is that? “Think about it. But sooner or later you will have to accept it.”, she said. Dorothy opens the door and I walk to go out with my mind still rolling upside-down. “I hope one day, I can count on you in this.”, she added in finality when I’m outside the History room.

“What’s wrong with the people tonight?”, Mori asked exceedingly when she sat down the steel chair across mine, placing her own tray above the table. Jake, Ruth, Mori and I are all having our casual dinner in the cafeteria with the whole Dark Academy students. “You look really tired, Yame. I don’t know what happened to you aside from the fact that you fainted.”, Mori commented, taking a big bite of her food.

         “I am fine, really.”, I said waving my hand in the air to dismiss it. “Don’t mind me.”

         “Yame looked exhausted while my twin looks like she is in the other dimension.”, said Jake as he pin-point his twin sister with his finger. The three of us glance at Ruth’s direction that is at the corner of the table. Yeah, I noticed her staring into nothingness since we arrive here to eat.

         “She must be thinking about it again.”, Mori said after a while.

         “About what?”, I asked adjusting my eyeglass. Mori was about to say something but Ruth butt in on the conversation.

         “It’s nothing. I am just tired.”, she said followed by deep breath. The three of us exchange look unto each other and then Jake just shook his head in disappointment. I stare at Ruth while she sips a drink from her cup. Her pale skin didn’t change at all— no, I mean it grew paler than before. Also she got these light black circles around her eyes. I don’t think she’s getting enough sleep. I bet it’s really hard to be the academy’s student council president. I wonder what activities are they up to. I blink my eyes and shook my head mentally. I have no time to think about what the student councils are up to instead I have to think of my own problem. About me being the Seeker. Dorothy said that the new board members will be after me when they learned about it. I must be careful and prepared. But how am I gonna be prepared or anything if I can’t even look unto people’s eyes without this stupid eyeglass on? I completely know nothing about my maryoku.

         “Come on, guys. Let’s call it a day. The two of you need some good rest.”, announced Jake and stood up from his seat followed by Mori who just finished her food.

         “That’s better.”, agreed Ruth also stepping out of her seat. I just nod and walk with them outside. When we reached the main door of the building, Jake says his goodnights and parted from us. The three of us continue walking to the girls’ dormitory while Mori hums a song of Taylor Swift that I forgot the title.

         “Goodnight. Rest well both of you.”, Mori said when we reached the second floor of our dormitory.

         “Goodnight.”, I replied, smiling at her weakly. Then the two of us continue our way to our room. Ruth’s room is on the same floor as mine so we walk together quietly. All the while I remember Dorothy told me that Ruth also knows about the ‘business’ of the board members. She’s the only student involved in it and it must be hard. Is that why she’s afraid of the witch instructor? And could it be the thing she’s thinking back in the cafeteria? I was in that form of thinking until we reached the door of my room.

         “Tell me, Yame.”, Ruth breaks in the silence. I already cracked my door open and glance back at her beside me. “Why did you faint earlier?”, she asked.

         “I, uh, really don’t know.”, I answered honestly shrugging my shoulders and then rest my back against the white wall. “I just finished talking to Alena that time and—“

         “Instructor Gem?”, she cuts me off. I nod my head.

         “Why?”, I asked looking at her. Again, Ruth’s facial expression grew in a lot worry.

         “She might be using her maryoku unto you.” , she answered. I wrinkle my forehead, thinking. I knew it! Back there I know that Alena is up on to something and that’s it. “You must be careful, Yame.”, she warned me.

         “Is that what bothers you, Ruth?”, I asked her. Now she looks a little startled.

         “N-no.”, she answered anxiously, shaking her head off. “Never mind. I’ll go to my room.”, she added then began to walk away.

         “Wait!”, I called her up. “If you have any problem, you can tell me. Dorothy already told me about it.”, I added when she look back at me. “If you don’t want to tell me then I’ll just read your mind.”, I joked. Ruth chuckles softly and I laugh too.

         “Okay. Thank you.”, she replied afterwards.

         “Goodnight.”, I said.

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