Children Of Unmei: Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: A Gift and A Warning

“Told ‘ya, I’ll just go buy something at the center market! You don’t have to come all the way here to pick me up like I’m some kind of criminal!”, Eluna yell over Dorothy from the passenger’s seat. Eluna is the kid that Dorothy said she is looking. I’ve known that will transfer to the second campus tomorrow. She is sixteen years-old and has the ability to see the past as well as the future. It’s so cool.

         “You’ve been giving everyone a headache since you came at the academy! And you also keep on running away from there!”, Dorothy fired back.

         “I did not run-away! I just bought something, okay?”, the young girl said.

         “What is it then?”, the instructor asked at her. I look back at Eluna and saw her hold close the white backpack that I didn’t notice earlier.

         “None of your business.”, she replied coldly, finally giving up the argument. She gawks outside the window and the tension between them began to invade the atmosphere. I was about to crack it down when Eluna speaks again.

         “So, Yame!” she start off which makes me look back at her once more. “How was it to be around people who nags unto each other?”, she asked as she smiles widely. I automatically glance at Dorothy’s side and saw her roll her eyes.

         “Great.”, I answered, wondering what else should I say when Eluna burst into a big laugh. “What?” I asked, clueless, at the girl. She just shook her head back and forth; slowly the laughing voice fades away.

         “I’m sorry, I was just kidding.”, she said. “What I really wanted to ask is, how it feels being one of the children of unmei?”, Eluna continued speaking.

         “Children of what?”, I asked in a wrinkled forehead. Eluna opens her mouth to explain but the car suddenly stops that caused us throw ourselves forward.

         “Will you please watch your breaks?!”, Eluna frown at Dorothy who picks up her backpack from the floor but the instructor just ignore her.

         “Children of Unmei or Destiny is the right term for us. Us who have this kind of abilities.”, she explains, stepping out of the car. “Now get you things and we’re here.”, she said and close the door. I look back at Eluna’s seat to see that she’s gone. I move out of the car too and gaze at the huge and tall silver gate. Is this the Dark Academy? “Cars aren’t allowed inside so we’ll take a walk from here.”, Dorothy said as she stretch forth my traveling bag from the compartment.

         “I see. Thanks.”, I murmur over the air. Eluna rings the bell hastily and it automatically expands to let us all in. No one welcomes us from there and all can be seen are trees. Fallen leaves from it and beautiful flowers alongside the cemented path that leads to the main ground. The silver gate automatically closes and we started to walk in. All of the sudden I felt odd. I felt a cold shiver run to my spine. Is this how it feels to be inside this academy? I don’t like it.

         “Welcome to Dark Academy.”, whisper Eluna to my left ear that really added shivers to my body. I look at her and smile when she winks at me. We reach the door of the middle building without talking to each other. Dorothy grabs the doorknob and twists it open. She walk inside first, next is Eluna and then me. From the first glimpse I can tell that I’m inside a faculty room. There are boxes everywhere; long tables with files above them, around it are wooden chairs, charts and massive amount of books and folders at every corner. Like a regular faculty room, except that this room is much quieter than the ones I’ve known.

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