Children Of Unmei: Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Meet-up Between the Unexpected Battle

We’ve been walking on this dark, cold and wet tunnel underground for about an hour. With the help of our flashlights, we can see that the tunnel is really long and seemed to be really endless. There’s a lot of turns— left and right— but our guide seems to know the right direction to our destination. So we keep walking quietly as we shove lights at different direction. Ruki and Jake are walking ahead of us, next is Mori and Ruth. Nico is behind me while I came second to the last. No one dares to talk. It seems that all of us are getting stiff about this. Or… could they be feeling what I’m feeling? I’m feeling a bit uncomfortable, like something’s ahead of us. Okay, from the start I know something that is more than just ‘something’ is waiting for us when we step our foot anywhere around the second campus but what I’m feeling is kinda different. “Hey, what’s that?”, asked Ruth out of the blue. Her soft voice fills the tunnel as she points in front. Everyone stops walking and gawks at the direction. Ruki walk ahead to look at the thing which Ruth pointed at.

        “What is it?”, I asked nervously. Ruki pull out his sword and pointed it unto something on the wet ground. The tension around us is growing thicker.

        “It’s…”, Ruki utters as he keeps pinpointing it with the sword. “It’s a dead rat, Lady Yame.”, he continued.

        “Eew!”, yelp Mori as the whole crowd breathe again. Okay, maybe I’m just too paranoid that’s why I’m feeling a lot of emotions here. Ruki keeps his sword on its sheath and we continued walking again. Anyway, Eluna said they’ll be waiting for us— meet us here. Where exactly are we supposed to see each other here? This tunnel is really wide and creepy.

        “Wait.”, call out Nico after a while. I look back at him with a question mark but he just walk passed me. He’s actually looking far ahead of us.

        “What’s wrong?”, I asked. Then something hit me like a rock. A feeling that’s more than just uncomfortable. I look at the direction where Nico is gawking and there I saw a glimpse of light.

        “Someone’s coming.”, Nico warned us. Everyone got alarmed.

        “It… it must be Eluna.”, I said trying to ease the situation. But it’s no use. I know it’s not Eluna’s maryoku aura I’m feeling.

        “No, Yame. They smell totally different.

Eluna Field

“Everyone hold her tight!”, I yell to them as I get my bow and arrow case at our weapon cabinet. I pick up the bow gun and toss it towards Miguel.

        “We shouldn’t be on our boundaries, commander!”, exclaimed Miguel as he catch the weapon with his left hand. I clenched my fist as I thought about it. He’s right. Jaime fixed the underground tunnel so we can have our own secret hide-out; however, he also set our boundaries to protect us from any possible ‘attacks’ from outside. But after what I’ve seen, I don’t care about those boundaries anymore. “We must stay on the line!”, he exclaimed again.

        “No! My friend is there, I should go! You can stay here if you want!”, I yell back to him through the noise that is growing louder.

        “That’s not what I want to say, commander!”, he said scratching his head. I turn to the group that’s been going wilder.

        “Try to hold her still until we came back.”, I said to Jovy as she holds Fatima Nakamura’s one arm. Damn this girl! She’s been a big pain here in our group since the day I brought her down here. Oh, why did I even bring her here?! This morning she’d been acting weird and now she’s screaming like real demons possessed her body. We all don’t have a clue about what’s going on with her but all we know is that she wants to get out of here. But no one would let her.

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