Children Of Unmei: Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: The Tour

What’s wrong with the weather today? Yesterday it was so hot and the sun is really bright but now it’s hiding in the dark clouds. Still, I put on my sunglass to conceal my eyes. I walk down the shiny stair quietly, together with this pale girl. What about Eluna? Well, he was gone when I woke up this morning but she left me with a note, saying ‘you have a great maryoku, use it to see people around you.’ and it was placed above the voice recorder she gave me. I really don’t get her point for leaving that note or that voice recorder. I just thought that she wants us to keep in touch and yeah, I like that idea.

         “Uh… Eluna already left. Right?”, suddenly asked the pale girl who is walking ahead of me. I was kinda shocked to hear her meek voice which filled the empty hall way. “And you will be occupying her room, right?”, she asked again now looking back at me. I wonder why she seems so interested.

         “Well… yes.”, I answered casually. I take notice of her deep sigh when she starts walking again. I catch up to her and walk side by side. “Why did you ask, anyway?”, I asked. The girl seems to be anxious about the question as she stops walking and face me. She’s really pale and thin but is pretty too. I watch her play with her long braided hair, patiently waiting for her answer.

         “Uh… n-nothing.”, she replied plainly. I got this feeling that she is hiding something. We go on with our steps down the building without anymore talking until I came up with something.

         “Ouch! Something’s in my eye!”, I screech when we got our foot on the ground floor of the girl’s dormitory. It is so quiet at the empty floor and my loud voice echoed at every corner. The pale girl walks fast towards me in a worry look. “It hurts.”, I added, taking off my sun glass.

         “What’s wrong?”, she asked holding up my bowed head to see my face. Gotcha! I rejoice in the back of my mind when our eyes met and then I explore unto her thoughts.

         “What’s going on?”, asked a familiar voice from behind us. I was shaken by the authority in her voice that caused my sun glass to slip off my hand and drop down the stoned floor. The pale girl, shocked as I am, accidentally stepped on it. I can hear the crunching sound of the breaking glass followed by another.

         “Oh, my gosh!”, I cry out and turn to the floor. This is what I get for using my ability in unnecessary things. Bad karma, I thought. I pick up the wrecked sun glass and was about to stood up when my head bump unto the head of the pale girl which knocked me down. “Oh!”, I whimper.

         “I-I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!”, apologize the girl sounding hysterical.

         “Two clumsy teenage girl as my apprentice. Goodness.”, intrude the girl behind. I look up at her from the floor and saw Dorothy standing there. She stretch forth her arm to help me stood up and I quickly grab it. The pale girl helped me too as she keeps murmuring ‘sorry’.

         “That’s fine.”, I said to her. “But this isn’t.”, I added up, talking about my sun glass. Without this I don’t feel safe at all. Now, I should avoid everyone’s direct stare. Dorothy just shook her head and gesture us to follow her. We walk to the end part of the building and enter the wooden door there. Inside are just plain white wallpapers with flower graphics, one varnished wooden table and chair behind it, certificates and awards hanging on the wall, a book shelf with books of different sizes and thickness and an extra large sized hour glass beside it. This must be Dorothy’s own office. She sat down the chair, facing the two of us.

         “Okay. Yame Ayazawa this is our student council president, Ruth Sill.”, Dorothy introduced to the pale girl. I take a quick look at her and luckily she didn’t look back. What I’ve read through her I enough for today. I guess. “Sill this is our new student, Yame Ayazawa. She’ll be admitted to senior level class and she has this maryoku to see and read through ones thoughts.”, she continued. Oh, great! Does she really have to break it to her right now? Now, I’m starting to feel guilty again for reading ones mind.

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