Chapter 19

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"Take control cause you the man, And I'll be screaming like I'm your fan, Then I woke up I realized it was my own hand between my thighs, But no one was here, I know it's weird guess I don't need no help, I just made the sweetest love to myself" ~ K Michelle

Deontae & Valentina in the MM


Valentina woke up in a bed with her hands in between her thighs and Deontae on her mind. She looked around and didn't see Deontae anywhere. She got up and walked into the bathroom to wash her face, brush her teeth, and change her clothes.

"I gotta do something about this." She whispered to herself while sighing.


"Yeah." He said as he came into the room.

"How did we get here?" She asked as she looked around.

"This is my parents house. They won't be home until later so we have the whole place to ourselves." He said as he sat down on the bed.

"Did you spill something on the bed?" He asked as he started to lift up the sheets but Valentina quickly grabbed them.

"Yeah you know how clumsy I am." She says while nervously laughing.

"Ok." He smiled. Little does she know, he was standing right outside the door the whole time.

"I can wash them for you." He said as he tried to grab the sheets again but she stopped him.

"No! I'll do it but thank you."

"Ok." He laughed while shaking his head until his phone started ringing. "Oh shit!" He yelled as he dropped his phone.


"It's my grandmother."

"Stop hiding from the phone and answer it, nigga!" She yells.

"You right!" He said before answering the phone. "Hey gran---"

"BRING YO ASS HOME NOOOOOW!" She yelled before hanging up on him.

"Valentina she's gonna beat my ass!"

"Maybe she doesn't know."

"She added five O's to the word now."

"Don't admit to anything until she starts hitting us with facts."

"Ok. We gotta go!"

"What about the sheets?" She asked as he grabbed her hand.

"Fuck them sheets!"


Terrance sat down on the couch next to Tracy.

"Miya said Diamond's grandmother is on her way over to the house." Tracy said.

"What's the move after that?" He asked.

"Well...," she says as she moves closer to him and whispers in his ear. "Maybe we could.."

"Tracy, chill on that shit." Terrance said as he moved away from her. "I can't be slippin' back into my old ways if I want things to work out with Diamond."

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