Nota Kaki

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Hello readers!

Ni bukan update okay,sorry bagi false hope. Kat sini I nak buat explanation about the title of this novel.

I do explained it in my description but maybe ada yang tak perasan.

This story is given title F*ck First,Love Later is because:

1. Doesn't mean fuck tu maksud dia seks okay anak-anak. By fuck first maksudnya,sometimes we fucked up things in our life and at the end of the day everything will be better.

2. Once you already fuck things up, then you know how much you love someone/things.

3. So dalam story I,everything turns to be fuck up before the love come later to save all those fuck up story. Kiranya hidup si Iman ni so fuck up lah. Kalah semua orang,kira orang lain tak ada masalah sebesar dia ni but at the end of the day,love come and save her? (Is it legit? Lol)

Faham ke tu? Hahhh tahlah I bebel apa but siapa yang boleh faham bebelan I,you guys memang awesome! Hahahha.

Byw! Thank you! thank you! Thank you so muchhhhhhhh sebab sudi baca story iiiiiiiiiiii. Stay tuned for the next update okay? ;)

Love you guys so so so soooooo muchhhh ♡

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