chapter six: high level of stupidity&hard ons

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□Kai POV□

Her hands gripped onto my leather jacket as she sat at the edge of the road sobbing.

"His not dead, you know" I stated at obvious fact when Kain actually got up in less than a minute and walked of.

She nodded her head and hiccuped.

"I-I know..b-but it was s-so s-cary" she said in between hicupping.

I sighed and ran my hand though my hair. I watched her as she constantly wiped her red stuffy nose with the end of my t-shirt.

I held back lashing out on her since this was my fault from the first place. If I hadn't almost murdered Kain she wouldn't be in this state.

"I-I thought h-he was d-ead" she said before bursting into more tears and sobbed loudly resting her head on my shoulder.

Drunk people walked past, staring at us as we were positioned at the end of the road.

What have I gotten myself into. I knew this girl was trouble from the moment she walked in.

"Let's go back" I told her, grabbing onto her arm and pulling her up. She let go of her weight which made me having to carry her to the motorcycle.

"Y-you shouldn't drive d-runk, it's illigal" she nagged.

I chuckled. "Fuck the rules" I said before getting on as she climbed back.

"But I could die" she said, clearly concerned about herself and not me.

"You do know that I'm risking my life right?".

She paused for a moment before answering back. "But I could die"

I couldn't help but chuckle again. "Shut up"

She nodded and did as she was told.

I observed her for a moment. Her eyes were puffy from crying so much. Her nose was red after wiping it on my t-shirt and her face looked a mess.

I was glad she wasn't traumatised after seeing that fight. Although I hated this girl I enjoy her snippy remarks.

I almost felt guilty when she refused to let me touch her for a brief moment but then she fainted and woke up sobbing in my arms.

Girls are so much trouble

"hold on" I told her before starting the engine and heading back.


"You need to go and see the principle" Bailey stated as she stalked after me.

I ignored her and dragged Emelie who was hiding her face underneath my jacket as if she was invisible.

I snorted at her stupidity and realised this girl was more drunk than I was.

"Not now" I growled at her "it's fucking 2am. I'm tired".

Bailey sighed and stopped me in my track. She crossed her hands over her chest and shook her head in disappointment.

"You went out of the school grounds without permission and got into a fight again! However this time a person's life was at stake!" She yelled obviously stating Emilie. She's back in one piece isn't she?!.

"I said no" I told her and pushed past her before going back into my room and slamming the door in her face.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!" She yelled from outside before trotting off.

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