chapter 26: can't forget you

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"Emelie, move your fat ass" Kayden spat shoving me to the side so he can squeeze in between me and Noah.  I yelped in pain and called for mom "mom your son is hurting me!"

Mom's laughter boomed from the kitchen as Kayden glared at me "snitch". I flipped him off and nudge him in the stomach causing him to wince in pain. The whole family decided to watch a movie together and everyone decides to sit on my couch.

It's been exactly a month since I have returned home.  I haven't seen or even heard from him. I acted like I wasn't expecting it but a tiny tiny part of me still hoped that he'd come after me. He never did

I couldn't forget get him. The more I'd think the more I'd hurt.  I hurt to a point where I couldn't sleep and eat, I was hospitalised for two nights. My parents couldn't stand seeing their only daughter be so heartbroken.

My mom still worries so much. She'd shove food down my throat to keep me happy. My brothers would annoy me so I wouldn't think about Kai. They were all trying their best to make me forget.  I can't forget.

"Here you go" mom said as she laid the box of popcorn in my lap. I grinned with happiness and thanked her. It didn't take long until my brothers began to fight for it.  "It's not fair, how come she only gets it" Noah argued, glaring at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him and ate it slowly on purpose. Kayden didn't care and just helped himself to my popcorn. I'd slap his hand away each time. Alex was sat beside dad on the other side. They'd watch us with amusing expressions.

"Let's play a game" Noah said as mom sat down. We all looked at each other and shrugged.  "Sure" I smiled.

"How duck goose?" He suggested.  Sometimes I really wonder if I'm the youngest or if he is. I rolled my eyes and threw popcorn at him and so did mom. "You're such an idiot" I informed him.

He flipped me off and got a slap on the back of his head from Alex. "I told him to do that" dad said making sure that I knew who the hero was. I smile.

"Let's play it" Kayden said with a shrug. We all gave him an odd look until we gave in.  "I'll be the one choosing the goose" Noah said as he jumped up.

I rolled my eyes as he began to start from mom.

"" he hovered over me and I shot him death glares. He quickly passed me and I smiled in satisfaction.  And that is ladies and gentlemen how you avoid being part of a goose chase.

He picked dad as the goose and dad went straight after him. Noah looked scared for his life as he ran upstairs like there was no tomorrow.  Dad was strong and fast too. Noah had no chance.

It wasn't long until they both came down and dad grinning big. "I won" he said fixing his shirt.

I snorted and mom clapped. "Alright I'm up" dad said as he began from mom. They gave each other the googly eyes and ugh I shouldn't have seen that.

He came to me and I once again shot death stares. Dad picked Alex and they both began running around the house, wild. I didn't care and continued to watch some random movie playing on the screen.

"I won!" Dad said again coming out of the kitchen. Alex gave up half way because he was a lazy shit. "I can't belive you lost against dad" Kayden laughed at him.

Alex glared at him. "Shut up, dad didn't even want you anyway"

Noah went "oooh" and everyone fell silent.  "Shut up they clearly weren't happy with you either"

They threw shades at each other back and forth until I finally spoke.

"Clearly they didn't want anyone of you because they stopped having kids right after me" I smirked and the 3 brothers fell silent. Mom and dad couldn't stop laughing and we're instantly questioned by my brothers.

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