chapter 14: memories

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"That's my Capri-sun!" I cried. This was the second time Nate stole my Capri-sun.

"oops, sorry" He laughed while continuing to sip through the straw. There was not a hint of remorse in his voice.

I continued to give him the death stare but he wasn't affected by it at all. In one hand I held my burger and with the other I lunged forward over the table at Nate fighting to get my drink back. "" I argued whilst he dogged me laughing.

"come and get it" Nate said before getting up and running down the sand. But not before stealing my burger and taking a big bite from it. Hell no. No one comes between food and me and no one gets to steal my food like that.

"Nate!" I screamed after him, chasing him like a mad woman. Everyone around the table probably thought I was crazy but no one understands my struggle.

Nate couldn't contain his laughter and was on the verge of dying from a laughing fit by watching me chase him over a damn burger.

He continued to run but I was getting tired already. My legs began to hurt alerting me that I'm not fit at all. Maybe I should run more in case there's another day where Nate steals again and I'd have to hunt him down.

It was finally summer and the principal allowed us out to enjoy ourselves. Unfortunately we all had to be together In groups at one place. We were each assignment with people. Everyone voted to come to the beach.

I was now out of breath and took a small break. By now Nate was already down at the beach waving my burger in the air. "Come and get it" He sang, twirling around.

I snorted watching him fail miserably at twirling. He looked cute with his swimming shorts and some flip flops.

Just as I was about to run again I felt something stop me. My legs froze and my body tensed.

I felt a shiver run down my spine and all of a sudden I felt cold. A cold freeze blew past me causing me to wrap my arms around myself.

The memories and flashbacks of 3 years ago played in my mind. The screaming and giggling of young teens filled my ears. Jay's voice calling my name over and over again. His lips formed into a smile as he intertwined my fingers with his before pulling me down with him to the beach. And then the screaming filled my ears. Me, screaming and sobbing whilst I held onto Jay. His lifeless body on the ground and his blood smeared all over me.

All of a sudden I felt a lump rise in my throat that I couldn't swallow. Tears gushed down from my eyes and down my cheek. I was finding it difficult to breath between my silent sobs. I forced my body to turn around so that I wasn't looking at the beach anymore.

I silently sobbed. Biting my lip to prevent myself from crying out loud. "Emelie?" Nate's voice called out as I could hear him walking towards me. I couldn't face him so I ran. I ran as fast as I could. "Emelie!" Nate screamed but his voice drowned down the further I went.

I somehow managed to return back to our hotel rooms and dropped onto the bed. The pain was unbearable and I couldn't stop crying. My heart felt heavy and my body felt weak. All this time I thought I forgot, but I didn't. I don't want to remember.

Please, I don't want to remember.




A voice called my name over and over again. I moaned in annoyance and rolled over to my side.

"come on, wake up"

The familiar voice shook me softly.

I forced my eyes open. I barely had them open and a face hovered over me. "You awake?" The voice asked softly. I rubbed my eyes and opened them fully to see Kai?

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