chapter 23: angry brother

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I stared at Kai in awe. He was sleeping peacefully. His chest moved up and down slowly as he breathed in and out.

I poked his cheek to make sure he was real. Everything felt so surreal these past few weeks. I've been in this school for 5 months and accidently fell in love with a total jerk after a month. I waited 3 months for him to realise my feelings and now we've been together for almost a month.

How could any guy love a girl like me let alone Kai who probably had more girls than number of underwear I own.

I adored his handsome features and screamed slightly to myself for getting a really hot boyfriend. My mom would probably cry because of happiness and my brothers- it's best that they don't meet Kai. Things will not go down so well

"Do you love me that much to be staring at me for so long?" Kai mumbled rolling over to face me and I almost fell but I caught onto him. The bed wasn't big enough to fit two people in and I was barely managing to stay on.

Kai smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Can't get enough of me?" He teased.

I snorted "your so full of yourself"

He nodded "I can't help it"

I laughed and playful hit his chest.  He pretended to be hurt and squinted his eyes closed. "How can you act cute?" I asked him "you never acted cute before"

He smiled and chuckled. "You don't like it?"

I shook my head "that's not what I meant"

"I just want to be cute for you" he pouted. I couldn't help but smile. "You're lready cute" I exclaimed before squashing him into a hug.

He was struggling to breath and I had to let him go. "Jeez are you trying to kill me?"

I frowned "of course not"

he chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"Uh guys" a voice called from behind Kai. "I'm still here.."

Oh shit.  I had completely forgot that Jamie and I share a dorm room. Kai Burst out laughing while I hid my face under the bed sheet.

I was really embarrassed.

"Can you guys please stop being all lovely Dovey and let me sleep?"

Kai apologised before hiding under the bed covers with me. He smiled down and whispered 'sleep' before closing his eyes. I pressed my face against his chest and closed my eyes until sleep took over me.

* couple of hours later*

"Move out of my fucking way!" A voice yelled as the sound boomed into the room.

I woke up with a shock and looked to my surroundings.  Kai wasn't besides me anymore and Jamie wasn't in bed.

"I need to see my sister" the voice yelled again.

I looked to the door and saw Kai standing in front of it. I gasped as I saw a glimpse of Alex's face on the other side. "She's alseep" Kai said calmly.

I clenched my fists and began to panic. Alex must've found out about me and Kai. He was not happy.  I'm so dead.

"Move out of my fucking way" Alex spat before shoving past Kai. Surprisingly Kai had a calm posture.

Alex stormed towards me and glared down at me.  If looks could kill I would be dead right now.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

I smiled nervously.

"I can explain"

I'm so dead.

"Speak" my brother ordered.

I gulped and glanced at Kai who was behind him. Alex noticed and looked at Kai. "Get out before I punch the fuck out of you" he spat.

Kai still had a calm expression, he grabbed a tee-shirt and walked out. I shot glares at Alex. "You don't have to be so rude"

He looked down at me furiously. "What do you think you're doing?!" He screamed, his voice shaking because of anger.

I almost felt scared to see him so worked up like this. Alex was the most scariest out of all my brothers. I haven't seen him this angry for a long time. Oh boy

"What do you mean?" I asked him, making sure to stay calm.

"Dating that guy?!" He exclaimed "are you out of your mind?"

I snorted "no I'm not" I said " I'm perfectly sane and yes, yes we are dating"

Alex couldn't believe it. He scoffed and stormed back and forth. Shaking his head as he talked to him self over and over again.  I allowed him to at least calm down enough not to attack Kai when he sees him.

I get that Alex was worried about me but he was going to far.

"I can't stand here and watch you get dragged into a guy like Jay"

I clenched my first and shook my head. "Stop bringing Jay up!" I snapped at him " He isn't Jay!"

Alex looked at me. My eyes water up as I stood up.

"I'll talk to you later" he said before walking out of the room.

I dropped down on to the bed and wiped away my tears. The constant reminder of Jay was killing me.

I sniffed as I leaned over to grab a tissue.

Kai slowly walked in and closed the door behind him. I smiled but soon it dropped.

Kai's expression changed. His face was serious and his body was tensed.

He slowly walked towards me before standing right in front of him.

He swollen his spit before opening his mouth to speak.

"How do you know Jay?"


*authors note*

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