chapter 21: she is her

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"Wait wait guys are dating?" Nate questioned.

I smirked. "Yup"

Emelie laughed at Nates expression and I smiled in satisfaction. Whatever feelings he may have had for Emelie needs to disappear since she's my girl.

"Uh..congratulations" He mumbled, obviously not pleased. I couldn't care less. Emelie however seemed upset by this because of her kind nature- when I say kind, she's only kind to Nate.

"Nate.." she frowned "are you upset that you'll loose me?"

Nates expression became playful and I glared at him. Emelie may not realise but Nate knew when to fake ass his emotions.

"I don't want to loose my girl" Nate frowned, pulling her into a hug. My jaw clenched in jealously. I've always had a bad feeling about that guy. Who is he calling his girl, she's mine.

"I'm still yours" Emelie snorted.

"What?" I said making sure she heard me.

She turned around and glared at me before continuing to talk to Nate. I chuckled. There was a reason why I liked her.

"Let's go back" I told her before getting up from the bed. Emelie nodded as we headed out. I gave Nate a final glance before closing the door behind me.

"Wait a minute" Emelie said pausing "you can't seriously walk all the way back wearing nothing but your boxers right?"

I looked down and laughed. I was still in my boxers. I shrugged and began to walk forward. "Yeah" I said "why are you embarrassed?"

Emelie sighed "duh"

I snorted and threw her a scowl before walking back into our- uh my dorm. I forgot that she's already moved out dammit.

"Psst keep the door open" She called from behind a corner. She was too embarrassed to walk with me. What type of girlfriend does that?

"As if" I spat before slamming the door closed. It didn't take long until she barged in with an angry expression. She looked hot.

"Why would you do that?!" She yelled.

I smiled. "I like seeing you angry. You're hot when your angry"

Her face softened and so probably did her heart. "Shut up" she mumbled, her cheeks blushing red.

I grinned. I loved seeing her blush because of me. "Are you blushing?" I teased. She flipped her middle finger at me before hiding under the bed covers.


I smirked before jumping under the covers with her. This is going to be a long night

*5 hours later*

"What the fuck was that for?!" I spat, holding an ice pack against my swollen cheek.

Emelie had her arms crossed over her chest and her face fuming with anger. "How could you try to do it in the first few hours of us beginning to date?!" She yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm a guy, do I need to say anymore?"

She shook her head in frustration. I should be more frustrated. She slapped me real hard for even touching her. God Dammit is she on her period?

"Are you on your?-"

"Don't you dare" she warned, cutting me off.

Never mind she probably is. It's best not to anger a girl who's on her period. Rumors has it she could kill just by glaring when she's on it.

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