Chapter 13: feelings

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"It didn't mean anything" he said "I just kissed you to shut you up"

Things could be more worse than right now but then again being kissed by Kai and then being told that it was to shut you up is the worst possible case.ever.

specially when you kissed him back.

I tossed and turned in my bed unable to sleep.

It was 2pm and after a long search Kai and I gave up on finding that jerk Jacob.

We headed back to our room and never spoke about the kiss again. I was frustrated, angry and confused at him and myself.

Why did I kiss him back, why did he have to kiss me to shut me up. Why did we continue to kiss?

Guilt washed over me remembering that he has a girlfriend and me and Kai kinda accidentally made out. Great. That's just great.

I couldn't sleep with Kai in the same bed again. I lied and made up some excuses and made him put the beds together just so I wouldn't have to sleep next to him on the same bed.

"Quit moving around" Kai moaned in his sleepy voice, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"Sorry" I whispered.

I slowly turned around so that my body was facing him. He was sleeping on his stomach. His face facing towards me. Our hands slightly brushing against each other.

His eyes were closed and his hair was messily pushed up his forehead. I couldn't help but observe him.

I bit my lip as my eyes landed on his. The image of us kissing ran through my mind and I could feel my heart rate increasing.

I shook my head. I shouldn't be thinking about some kiss that didn't mean anything, that shouldn't mean anything.

"Can't sleep?" Kai asked, his eyes fluttering open revealing beautiful caramel eyes.

"Uh-no" I told him.

He stared at me. His eyes dug into mine. I couldn't remove my gaze away from his.

"You have pretty eyes" he suddenly blurted out. He was as surprised as I was.

I almost felt my heart skip a beat. He could tell that I was shocked and quickly spoke to defend his action "uh that didn't sound right" he laughed.

I forgot to breath and suddenly choked on air.

He didn't mean it like that

Embarrassed, I quickly turned my head to the side. That couldn't have been any more embarrassing

Kai's laugh boomed through my ears.

I shot him death glares.

"Did you just choke on air?" He asked in between his laughing fit.

"Shut up" I hissed at him "it's not even funny"

He wiped away a fake tear and nodded "no, that was hilarious".

He smiled revealing his pearly white teeth. I couldn't help but smile.

"Finally you're smiling" he spoke "it was boring seeing you frown"

I bit my lip. "You noticed?"

He nodded "how could I not notice your ugly frown"

I wanted to smack him. He had to ruin the damn mood with his rude remarks. I almost thought he cared.

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