Chapter eleven: Dares, Handcuffed& jealous girlfriend

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"You seriously have a girlfriend?"

He groaned in frustration.

"Will you shut up? Its fucking 1 am!" He snapped at me.

I pouted and frowned. "I was just asking"

He snorted. "It's the 5th time you've asked me this week".

I grinned. "You were counting?"

"shut up"


"shut up"

"I said"- Before I could finish my sentence I could see a flying object in front my eyes before it landed on my face.

I grabbed the pillow and threw it back at him. He didn't have to be so rude about it.

I rolled over so that I was facing him. The blanket was half way his stomach revealing his upper body. As usual he's sleeping in boxers. He didn't seem affected by the pillow I threw back as his eyes were still closed.

"Geez, I was just asking" I stated, forcing him to open his eyes. I bit my lip as he stared at me. He showed no emotions towards me and continued to stare until I felt uncomfortable.

"it's none of your damn business" he said breaking the silence "are you jealous?"

I snorted and blew raspberries.

I couldn't believe this guy. Was he serious? Rather than jealously I felt sorry for the poor girl. What must have gone through her mind when she agreed to date this arrogant, selfish, rude idiot.


He licked his lips and ran his hands through his hair. I've noticed he does that a lot.

Oh God, why am I beginning to notice stupid things about him.

I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore his whole existence and go to sleep. All my energy has been drained since Nate has been bugging me non-stop this week. He failed one of the class tests and has been forcing me to tutor him. I don't know why he was asking me, I only just managed to get a pass by extra two marks than him.

I sucked at studying as much as he did.

Just when I was about to go to sleep someone knocked on the door. My eyes automatically opened wide and looked at the clock.

1:10 am

who the hell knocks at someones door at 1am?! I waited for Kai to make a move first in case it was robber or serial killer.

"get the door" Kai grunted at me not bothering to open his eyes. I made a scowl even though he couldn't see it. He's the type who would throw me first to the wolves.

I sighed as the knocking became constant. I threw the blanket to the side and stormed up to the door, unlocking it and flying it open.

"what the-" to my very surprise it was non other than a girl- not just any girl, Kai's girl.

she smiled at me and battered her eyelashes. "Hi" she spoke with a cheery tone.

I blinked a couple of times before giving her the look. Why is this girl so happy and at my door at 1 am?

"can I help you..?" I asked her. She probably came to see Kai, but couldn't she wait till tomorrow morning. Geez.

" Kai's in right?" she asked but didn't wait for my reply and shoved past me. I grunted and closed the door. Just when I turned around I saw the most horrible thing I could see- Kai and the girl full on making out. Full on as in using tongues

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