chapter twelve: kiss

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"Do you want a death wish?!" She snapped at me barely managing to contain her anger. She tightened her grip around the blanket that was covering her.

I snorted. "I told you, I have no interest in you. It was an accident"

She clenched her jaw and yanked her arm causing a sharp pain to shot through mine. The cuffs dug into my skin causing a burning sensation.

"Ow ow ow oooow" I winced in pain "that hurt"

Maybe I should cut down on the teasing for a while.

"how the hell do you accidentally rip off my top?!"

I chuckled and scratched the back of my head.

There's a long story to that. Really.

"Long story short you almost fell of the bed and I went to grab your top and it accidentally ripped. But hey you're lucky you didn't hit your head on floor"

I contained back my laughter.

She glared at me, narrowing her eyes as if she doesn't trust a single word I said.

It was a battle at 4am of two people trying to sleep in a single bed whilst one of them kept moving and almost falling of the bed if it wasn't for me.

She couldn't believe it when she found out that we had to sleep in the same bed unless we wanted our hands to rip off. She tried to stay awake the whole time in case I tried something on her but ended up dozing of every few seconds.

It was fun to watch until she almost fell off the bed taking my hand with her.

"But you really didn't have to kick me in the balls you know" I winced pressing the ice pack against them.

She shrugged "I woke up in my bra with no explanation and you holding my ripped top, I think I'm allowed to do that to you"

I rolled my eyes and slapped her upside up on the back of her head.

"That's not an excuse" I told her "who will take responsibility if I can't have kids?"

She rolled her eyes at me and snorted. "I'm sure you've been through worse"

She had a point.

I should be angry at her but her reaction was priceless when she thought that we did something.

"Whoa..what happened in here?" Nate asked barging into the room.

The floor was a mess.

Emelie went on a rampage and threw everything of mine on the floor and was this close(-) to burning them.

I tilt my head towards her and Nate nods with his mouth wide open saying 'o'.

"it's not what you think" Emelie began.

I snorted.

She glared.

I shut up.

I've seen a whole load of people all my life but no one scares me as much as this person next to me does. The word crazy doesn't even come close.

"It's not?" Nate asked arching his eyebrow.

whilst Emelie blabbed on trying to explain this situation I tried reaching for my t-shirt which was on the floor.

I managed to grab it and throw it on realising that only one arm goes through.


"are you stupid?" Emelie snorted.

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