Chapter nine: Tinny tiny tiny heart beat

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I carefully trailed after Kai making sure I don't make any noises. At one point I almost decided to fled the scene whilst he wasn't looking and get back to school on time so I don't get grounded by the principle or something worse like if he calls my mom.

Of course the plan never went ahead because I had no idea where I am right now. We only stopped because Kai wanted a short 'break' but it's already been an hour since we started walking.

"Um Kai?" I called after him, catching up to him"just a random question. Where the hell are we?!"

Kai's eyes flashed some emotions that I couldn't read before he quickly spun his head around not facing me. I tilted my head to the side. Is there something on my face? Oh God I hope I don't have any crumbs on my face. I literary scrubbed my face with my hand roughly and I could feel it going red. Great Now I probably look like a tomato

I cleared my throat before tip toeing to the other side so he was now facing me. "Um hello, I'm still here you know" I said giving him a light wave.

His mouth twitched until his lips formed into a smile. I looked behind me checking for something that he might be smiling at, I mean it couldn't be me right?

"I know" he finally spoke with his angelic voice- Uh did I just say angelic? Kai? Pfft I must be hearing things

"It's not hard to tell since your huge feet kept grinding against the floor whilst you walk"

I was insulted. I did not have huge feet, I was only size 5 besides I was being quite. "Excuuse me"

He licked his lips and shrugged before beginning to walk faster. He was leaving me behind in a huge forest.

I still don't understand why on earth I decided to follow this guy into the woods. I was digging my own grave when it came to him. "Can you slow down please?!" I exclaimed running up to him. He rolled his eyes at me and sighed.

I glared at him and made sure he saw it. " are you glaring at me?" he asked, raising his eyebrow which was kinda oddly cute.

I sucked on my teeth. "Yes, yes I am. I'm glad you noticed"

He chuckled and his lips parted to talk again "I't not hard to miss"

I grinned like a 5 year child whose been given about 20 presents from Santa. I was waaay to happy for a situation like this

"you never answered my question. where the hell are we?" I asked him again.

He shrugged his shoulders. I gasped in shock "you mean you've been dragging me along with you all this time without knowing where you were going?!" I yelled.

"Quit being annoying" he growled at me shutting me up.

He was not being serious about being lost. I could see his lips forming into a playful smirk. This jerk knew how to mess with my poor heart which was going to stop beating because of the damn shock.

I sighed and trailed after him knowing I wasn't going to get another word out of him any time soon. He wasn't much of a talker which sucked because I enjoyed talking. Well maybe no to him since he always scares me when I talk to him.

It wasn't long until we finally came to a halt. "we're here" he announced stepping to the side so I can get the view.

My jaw dropped as my head tilted back staring the huge mansion in front of me. I chocked in the air and coughed several times. Throughout the whole time Kai couldn't stop laughing and I kept glaring at him.

"yeah, that happens a lot" He snorted inferring that I wasn't the only 'girl' he brought back who wasn't shocked either. I looked at him "are you saying that you brought other girls here too?"

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