Chapter 30: Happy ending?

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"you can't be fucking serious" Alex laughed as he stared at Kai.

I smiled and squeezed Kai's hand as we stood in front of my whole family- including Nate. 

Alex was in disbelief and couldn't accept Kai at all. If Alex couldn't accept him nor could my other two brothers. My parents were lost for words.

"I love him" I told Alex who just snorted. 

"him?" He asked "the guy who left you for over a year? I heard you cry your self to sleep every night because of HIM!"

I gulped and looked down at my feet. Alex knew I was crying 

"I can't accept this" Alex announced.

I sighed in frustration. "Alex please" I begged. 

Kai squeezed my hand before stepping forward. "I'll do anything to make this right" he said.

Alex laughed and shook his head. "there is nothing you can do to make it right!"

Kai didn't flinch one bit when Alex raised his voice at him. Nate on the other hand jumped causing me to crack a smile. I really love that idiot.

"I'll make it right" Kai said, not backing down. I slapped my forehead and shook my head. A war was about to start between my brother and my boyfriend right in my house. Both of the guys were determined not to get beaten by each other. Kai wasn't backing down and Alex was for sure not backing down.

My dad finally stepped in and I couldn't be happier. "tell me" He began as he spoke to Kai "why did you leave for so long and appeared now?"

Kai opened his mouth to speak. "I wanted to sort my past out before I appeared in her life again. I can never let her be in danger because of me and my past, Sir"

I felt my heart melt and I could tell dad became soft. I grinned like a child.

"Alex" dad said "let your sister be happy"

I wrapped my arms around Kai's who was forcing back his smile. Alex however wasn't having this. He groaned loudly before standing inches away from Kai. "not until I feel better" he mumbled.

Alex raised his fist and punched Kai right in the face. I screamed as Kai stumbled back but kept his balance. Blood began to drip out of Kai's nose and I began to panic. 

"Oh God, Oh God, please don't die" I mumbled shoving tissue. 

"I'm not dying Em" Kai reassured me with a laugh. I couldn't understand why he was finding this situation so damn funny.

"I feel better now" Alex said with a smile. He rubbed his knuckles with a satisfied look. "Alex!" I snapped at him but mom beat me to it. She smacked him on the back of his head.

"how could you do that to your sisters boyfriend!" She yelled at him, grabbing him by the ear. "Mom..ow..ow.oooooww" Alex moaned.

"I've always wanted to do it" Alex defended himself. I glared at him whilst holding onto Kai.

My two other brothers were pretty amused by this all and didn't bother to intervene. Nate had a really scared look on his face. He'd probably never come over again.

"that doesn't make it right" Mom nagged him. Alex sighed "I can finally accept him now"

We were all taken by surprise and Kai looked the most surprised. Mom released his ear and pulled him into a hug "I'm so proud" she shrieked.

Kai turned to look at me. "he still punched me" he said with a dead serious face. I burst out laughing and apologise.

"Alex isn't the type to accept anyone. we all know that so this is a first" I explained. I smiled as  watched Alex stick his tongue out at me.

"alright why don't you get cleaned up and come down and join us for dinner" Dad said to Kai.

Kai thanked him before I dragged him upstairs. He quickly washed up whilst I waited for him in my room.

He smirked the moment he walked in and pushed me onto my bed. I squealed as he began to kiss me all over my face and neck. "Kai stop" I giggled.

"You can't seriously tell me to hold myself back after waiting for over an year" he mumbled into my neck as he continued to kiss it.

I couldn't help but laugh as he crawled on top of me and kissed my lips. "I love you" He said pulling away whilst breathing heavily. 

"say it again" I grinned before pulling him back and pressing my lips against him. "I love you Emelie Harper Hart"

I giggled as his arms creeped up my top, slowly feeling my skin. "I love you, I love you, I love you" he repeated over and over again.

"and I love you Kai"

His lips formed into a smile and he began to tug on my top.  Our moment was ruined when my door flew open and before I knew it Kai was being dragged of off me.

"Hey I gave you permission to date my daughter not sneak into her bed" Dad growled whilst pulling Kai out. I burst out laughing watching Kai being dragged like a dog. He frowned and used his hands to wipe away his fake tears.

"you guys ain't allowed to do anything until your wedding night"   Dad hissed.

I followed after them. Kai managed to get free and stood up straight. 

"I guess its not that far off then" Kai said with a wink.

I slapped my forehead as my dads eyes widen in horror. 

He is so dead.

"Boys!" my dad yelled and my brothers instantly appeared in front of us. Kai looked around him and his face showed pure fear.

"what did I do?" he mouthed to me as my brothers lunged themselves at him and they all fell on the ground. 

I shook my head and laughed.

"I love you" I told him "and have fun"

Kai never looked more horrified.

That was my happy ending



Yes I'm serious! This is the end!!!!!!!!

I was thinking about doing a final chapter on them two about their future? if you guys want it let me know but if you're happy with this then thats ok too!

I CAN'T EXPRESS HOW HAPPY I AM TO BE ENDING THIS WITH A HAPPY ENDING but I'm heart broken because I'm going to miss them so much! I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did!

Thank you all for reading and staying till the end! I can't express how happy you guys make me feel! 

For the final time  can every single one of you please comment and let me know how you are feeling!!!

Thank you once again!!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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