Chapter 11

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"I'm gonna say this the millionth time, why did you three and the other four idiots peek at the sleep over!?" I asked while pulling Natsu and Gray by the ear while Gajeel was on the floor from the punch a gave him a few minutes ago. When I let go Natsu and Grays ear they both fell down where Gajeel was sitting.

"Well?" I said waiting for an answer, the three didn't say anything so I just walked off to the bar where the girls were sitting and chatting.

"Did they tell you?" Lucy asked while crossing her legs.

"No." I said while sitting between her and Erza. Erza put down her fork and plate of cake and began to speak.

"Here let me beat it out of them one more time." Erza said while standing up.

"No just leave those idiots alone." I said that while Mira passed me a plate of (F/F). I then thanked her and started eating.

"So Y/N do you want to go shopping with me and Levy by any chance?" Lucy asked with a smile on her face. I could go for some shopping today.

"Sure." I said with a smile on my face, I then quickly ate my plate of (F/F) and we left the guild for the shopping center.

~ Time Skip to the shopping center!!~

"Okay we're here. What are you guys gonna buy?" I ask while facing Lucy and Levy.

"I'm gonna buy a new book." Levy said happily while pointing towards the book store. I'm planning on buying some supplies.

"Well I have to buy more food." Lucy said with a sigh, I figure it's because of Natsu and Happy because I know for sure she had a bunch of food when I last visit her place.

"By any chance was it that pyro and Happy?" I ask.

"Yep." Lucy says with another sigh at the end of her sentence.

"Well I guess we better get shopping before the sun goes down." I say while grabbing the two by the wrist and running towards all the shops.

~About an hour of shopping~

"Okay I think that's enough shopping for today." I said while sitting down on a bench that was close by. The three of us sure bought a bunch of things.

"I agree." Levy says while her and Lucy sat down next to me on the bench. After a few minutes of resting I heard someone yelling me and Lucy's names.

"Lucy!!! Y/N!!!" Natsu and Happy yelled while running towards us.

"Oh hey guys." I say while standing up from the bench. Happy then sat on my head.
"Hey Y/N, so what were you guys doing?" Happy asked still sitting on my head.
"We were shopping but we're done now." I answered.

"Did you buy any food me and Happy are starving?" Natsu said while rubbing his stomach. The question then caused Lucy to glare at Natsu.

"If you're so hungry go buy your own food!!! I ran out of food because you and Happy ate all my food without asking!!!" Lucy yelled at Natsu while Lucy was yelling at Natsu, Happy flew of my head and started to whisper.

"Hey Y/N, Natsu was talking about you." Happy said. I was interested to know what Natsu said about me so I asked Happy what Natsu said about me.

"He said he-" Happy was interrupted by Natsu's hand covering his mouth. Well whatever it was Natsu must of not wanted me to know so I didn't ask either further but I still wonder what he said about me but if it was something rude I'm gonna beat him!!

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