Chapter 15

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Third Person POV

It was noisy at the guild Fairy Tail as usual, but today was the day where all the guilds came to party all day and all night. Everyone was getting ready for the party.

"Hey you two stop sitting around and go help!!" Erza yelled at the two boys who were sitting and surprisingly not fighting.

"Yeah, fine." Natsu said while lazily getting up and walking towards Lucy and Y/N who were setting up the food and decor.
"So what can me and frosty here help you with?" Natsu asked while pointing to Gray who just glared at the nickname Natsu gave him. Y/N stopped what she was doing and answered their question.

"Well Lucy is setting up the food so one of you can help her with that, and I need help getting some more decorations from the storage."

"I'll help you with that." Gray said to Y/N, the two walked towards the storage room leaving Lucy and Natsu behind to chat.

"I heard you kissed Y/N." Lucy said while putting down some of the food. Natsu just looked at Lucy.

"Yeah." He said with a smile.

"You do know that your not the only guy who likes Y/N, right?" Lucy asked while looking at Natsu, he nodded with a disappointed expression on his face.

"Don't worry Natsu, I'll help you win her heart." Lucy said with a smile on her face as well. Natsu then smiled again and thanked her.

"Y/N's coming." Lucy quickly said to Natsu who quickly stared at Y/N who was holding a box of decorations. Her and Gray put the decorations down on the table.

"Well we better fix all of this and then it's time to Party!!" Y/N said happily.

- Time Skip to the Party!! -


"Time to Party!!" Every one yelled happily, all the guilds are finally here, partying and Drinking or chatting. I'm at the bar chatting with Cana, whose drinking booze as usual.
"Y/N aren't you going to hang out with the other guilds??" Cana asked while looking at me with a cup of booze by her mouth.
"Not right now, I'm gonna hang out with you for now." I say with a smile. She just nods and continues to drink booze.

"Hey!! Y/N!!" Yelled a familiar voice, I turned towards the direction of the voice to see Sting waving for my attention.
"I'll be back." I said to Cana who nodded and smirked.
"Have fun Y/N!!" She said while I was walking over to Sting who was standing beside Rogue, Lector, and Frosch. I waved back at the four, who were drinking and eating.
"Hi guys, what did you call me for?" I asked Sting who put down his beverage.
"Can I dance with you?" He asked Happily while grabbing both of my hands and looking at me with his crystal blue eyes.
"Yeah." I said with a smile on my face, soon we began to dance. But what I didn't know, was six boys were glaring at Sting.

Lucy's POV

I was standing behind Natsu who was glaring at Sting because he was dancing with Y/N. Natsu wasn't the only guy glaring at him either.
"Hey, it's not nice to glare at people." I said while slapping Natsu on the shoulder.
"Hey!!" He said while looking at me in a childish way. I looked back at the two dancing, there's other people dancing beside them. I got an IDEA!!! I quickly grabbed Natsu's hand and leaded him to the dance floor.
"Lucy!?" He said confused, I just quickly ignored him and we danced to the point where we were right next to Sting and Y/N.
"Natsu, switch partners." I whispered while I motioned to Y/N and Sting. It took him a while to notice that I was talking about Y/N. Sometimes I wonder if he even has a brain! After that my partner was Sting who I lead away from Natsu and Y/N.


A few minutes ago I was dancing with Sting but now I'm dancing with Natsu. We both danced happily while the music was still going.
"Sorry if I interrupted something." Natsu said with a nervous grin.
"No, it's ok you didn't interrupt anything anyways." I said while smiling, we both danced happily until Natsu was pulled away from a big mob of men. Which was really weird, but I guess anything is possible. I was then tapped on the shoulder, I turned towards the person and saw Lyon.
"Oh hey, Lyon." I said with a smile, he nodded and spoke.
"Hello Y/N, you look wonderful." I blushed and thanked him.
"May I have this dance?" Lyon asked in a gentlemen like way.
"Sure." I said while he lead me to the dance floor, we happily danced together. He held my left hand while my right hand was on his shoulder, he twirled me around and when I turned back to face him he was gone but my new partner was Gray.
"Ummm.... Gray what happened to Lyon?" I asked him while he just chuckled. I look at him so confused, he then spoke and said that Lyon was with Juvia. I gave him an "oh".
"You look pretty." Gray said while looking down at me, I smiled and Gray twirled me around.
"Wow, Gray your a good dancer." I said while he pulled me in close.
"You have know idea." He said with a chuckle, I also laughed with him. He must of got some dancing lessons from Erza.
"Oh!!! Gray!!!" Me and Gray turned towards the voice to see Juvia who was running towards us. I thought she was dancing with Lyon, oh well nothing will stop Juvia from her love. Am I right?
"Well, I guess I gotta go." He said while looking at Juvia who was still running towards us.
"Okay." I said while I watched Gray run away from Juvia. I walked away from the dance floor and went to get (F/D), because all that dancing sure makes me thirsty. I grabbed a cup and poured some (F/D) in it, drinking the beverage I see a certain Lightning Mage sitting down alone with Freed, walking towards them I greeted.
"Hey Laxus, Freed! Having fun?" I asked both of them. Laxus ignored me but Freed answered.
"Oh, I'm quite good but Laxus haven't been doing anything ever since the party started." Freed said while looking at Laxus with a frown.
"Oh, is that so?" I say with a smirk and looking towards Laxus. I grabbed his muscular arm and tried to drag him.
"What are you doing, Y/N?" He asked with a low tone, I just smiled and spoke.
"Trying to bring you to the dance floor, silly!" I say while my smile gets wider, he scoffed.
"You want to dance with me?" He asked. I nodded happily while still pulling him.
"Fine, I'll dance with you." He said while standing up.
"B-but I asked you like five times!!!" Freed yelled while we walked towards the dance floor, I held both of his hands while we both danced. We were having fun and I could tell that he was happy as well since I seen a little smile crept on his face.
"So I see, I made you smile." I said happily while looking up at him once again, since he's taller than me that is.
"I wasn't smile." He said while looking the other way, I just chuckled and kept dancing with him. Soon the song ended and Freed was yelling for Laxus, so we had to stop dancing.
"Oh, beautiful girl like your self shouldn't be left alone." A male voice said behind me, he was holding my waist. I knew who the voice belonged to so I did the most normal thing any person would do, I elbowed him in the chest. He instantly let go.
"Sorry, about that Loke but you were in my personal bubble." I said while turning towards him, he was holding the area where I elbowed him.
"Ow, Y/N that really hurt." He complained.
"Well it's supposed to hurt!" I said while chuckling.
"Oh, well I just came to ask if you wanted to dance." He said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and nodded any way.
"You can, just because it's a party." He happily looked at me and we started dancing, after he vanished out of thin air I danced with Gajeel who was eating iron scraps. We both chatted while we danced some comments and jokes here and there. We then had to stop since Gajeel got in a fight with some random guy who accidentally bumped into him. I then was dancing with Rogue, he was nice and a very good dancer to. After that the night ended and so did the party.


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