Chapter 25

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"Hurry up Y/N!" Lucy hollared while I and all the girls ran towards a shop with a bunch of ball dresses in it. We were all shopping for dresses because there's a ball soon, which every one in Fiore are invited to.

I didn't really see the reason on buying a dress anyways but I guess it's important recording to the girls, I quote
" It's not just a dress Y/N it's a ball which ladies like all of us must where a ball dress. Plus, you never know if you'll be swept away by your prince charming!" Again with my love life! But oh well here we are.

"So what do we do now?" I bluntly asked while all the girls sweat drop at my question.
Which I know was stupid because when you go to a dress shop what else do you do?

"Shopping of course!" All the girls laughed.

They all pulled me towards a rack of ball dresses which they all picked one by one, saying
"This would look beautiful on you." Or " Ooooh! This looks gorgeous!"
I got bored so I wondered off to a close by chair.

This is so boring!! Why couldn't we do something interesting?

"Y/N, why aren't you picking out a dress?" Lisana asked while sitting down next to me. I look at her with a bored expression on my face.

"I don't want to right now, maybe later." I say while waving my hand and slouching in the chair, wow! This is actually comfortable.

Lisana just sweat dropped
"If you want me and the girls can pick out your ball dress, you won't even have to move a muscle, seeing that your to lazy to anyways." She chuckles.

"Nah I'm fine, and I'm not lazy I'm just relaxing for a few minutes or so.." I babbled off.

"Please, Y/N! I won't bother you after! Please! Pretty please!" She begged. Looking around I could see people staring. I guess I gotta stop her.
"Okay fine." I say while sitting up and smiling at her. She immediately smiled and got up while grabbing my wrist.

"Okay! Girls let's get Y/N a ball dress! Stat!" She yelled while the girls had this weird glint in their eyes.

"Already got them!" They all had a bunch of dresses in their hands.

"Okay! Just need to try them on! Dressing room!" The girls frantically look for a dressing room. It's kinda scary how they're so determined on looking for a dressing room, what's next?

"Found one! Get Y/N in!" Lucy says while all the girls node and pushed me into the dressing room.

"Dresses!" I heard one yell and shuffling.

"Yes Sir!" Then I was passed a ball dress.

I can see this is gonna take a while.

~Time Skip~

After the searching and searching we all found a perfect ball dress to where. We all walked out of the store.

"Who knew it would take that long buying ball dresses." I sighed.

"Hehehe yah! But it was worth it." Lisana chuckled and rested her arm on my shoulder.

We all walked towards my place. The girls are planning on staying at my place since its getting dark.

After a few minutes we finally make it to my house. I grab my key and swiftly opened the door, motioning with my hand the girls walk in.

"Finally!" Cana lays on my sofa drinking her booze that she was holding the whole time.

"So, I guess it's time to go to bed." Lucy yawned while stretching and slouching on the sofa.

I yawned as well, I guess it's getting pretty late.
"Yeah your right." Smiling while rubbing my eyes I grab blankets and pillows for the girls, passing the pillows and blankets they take it and get ready for bed.

I walk towards my room and look back at the girls with a smile and a yawn.

"Night guys." I open the door to my room, walking to the bathroom to change and put on my pajamas, I quickly brushed my teeth and get ready for bed.

Laying on my bed I look at my window which is in the right side of my bed and smile at the stars. I wonder if anyone's looking at the stars right now, well whoever's looking at the stars I hope you sleep well.



Hello everyone!! ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ
I hope you all had a great weekend and day! Well this chapter was short and I guess you could say it didn't have the boys but don't worry it'll have them in a few chapters because this books coming to an end sadly but yeah...
(Speechless author* crying in a corner (〒︿〒))
Well I'm planning on ending this book in a couple chapters, but don't worry they'll be endings for all the guys! ♥♥

Well that's all.

I hope you liked the chapter and I love you all! See you later my beauties!!

♥♥ Fay202 ♥♥

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