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This chapter is unedited

Above is the burrow (:

He threw me on the floor as soon as we landed in the manor. My arm bending at a weird angle making me squeeze my eyes shut.

"Get up right now!" He yelled at me yanking me up by my arm. I heard pounding footsteps and soon my brother and mum came out.

I put on a strong face. If there was one thing us malfoys were good at it was hiding their emotions with a straight dark mask.

"WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF LYNX!" He yelled at me and I stared back.

I felt the anger boil inside of me as I connected eyes with my mother.

I balled my fists together tightly. As my father continually yelled at me. Eventually he stopped, his face red.

I took a step closer to my dad. With a hard stare, Malfoy eyes were extremely intimidating and hard as ice. I used it to my advantage.

"You are sickening. You are nothing but a disgusting death eater, people were killed today at the World Cup, innocent people. Good people. Like the Weasleys." I sneered.

I jabbed my finger into his hard chest "you sicken me the most of all" I glared before I whipped around.

My heart dropped as I saw mum and Draco. From dad I expected this, but I own twin? My own mother?

"Dad is the sickening one? You're the one who hanging around with mudbloods and blood traitors" my twin sneered

My eyes tensed up as my heart felt stabbed.

"Those mudbloods and blood traitors" I said the words like they were venom in my mouth.

"Saved my life. They got me out of a situation where I could've gotten seriously hurt. They got me when you LEFT me" I attempted my best to keep my face stone.

I then turned to mom "But you know what?! I'll never be your precious Draco. I will never be a slytherin. I will not pretend to be like you, I will not bow down at the first sign of fear, I will not let you people walk over me. And I sure as hell will never and I mean never side with you guys. I will always be the unloved twin. I don't want your guys approval anymore. I will not longer try and change, I will no longer hold my head in shame, I will no longer let you, father, throw me around like some rag doll. Because in that one hour that I was at the Weasleys, I felt more at home, and more loved than I have ever felt with you monsters"

I knew I should stop talking. I knew I was rambling and potentially signing my death wish but I couldn't stop. It's not often that I get these sprouts of bravery. They needed to hear this. I needed to hear this.

"It's not like I can dissapoint you anymore than I already have so throw me out. Disown me. Make me change my last name. Because believe you me, I will be a whole of hell lot happier" I stood right in front of Draco now.

His body was tense and he had the same rock solid face I held. But he never had the eyes. The eyes that could burn holes in someone, the eyes that make the dark lord cower.

He showed his emotion through his eyes, as did my mother. Me and my father showed ours through our words.

I could see Draco start to cower at my gaze.

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