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This chapter is unedited

Cold. It was oddly cold for mid September. It had been 3 weeks since they announced the tri-wizard tournament and the frenzy hadn't died down even a bit.

I was currently In my baby blue long sleeve sweater shirt? Is that what you call it? Or perhaps a jumper? Whatever you muggles would like to call it. I was wearing tight skinny jeans with holes in the knees and my white adidas sneakers. Nothing fancy really. I wasn't one to dress up for a trip to the library.

"Oh come off it Little A you aren't really going to the library" the twins said making me roll my eyes "yes I actually am; and yes by my lonesome because believe it or not some people actually do enjoy reading" throwig a smirk at them they sighed and Lee threw his hands up "well at least tell us that you'll go meet us to watch the goblet of fire right?"

I shook my head "nope, I want nothing to do with that thing. Besides its only a bunch of kids who are throwing a piece of parchment into a glammorized cup"

"What are you four going on about this time?" Hermione and Ginny asked as the trio sat on the couch. Harry smiled at me and I quickly turned away. Not much has changed if you haven't noticed.

"Averly says that she going to the library, willingly! Willingly Hermione! And by herself. To actually read. We call bluff!" Lee exclaimed.

"Goodness gracious you boys I'm really going to the library." I huffed. Why was it so hard to believe?

Another voice chimed in that made my breathing stop.

"I can go with you if you'd like?" Harry asked.

Of course I immediately went to decline, knowing that the only thing I would do is embarrass my self. Before I could get a word out the boys and Hermione and even Ginny spoke up "great idea!" They all chorused.

I turned wide eyed to Ginny who smirked and Hermione who winked.

So Long story short we have been in the library for about 15 minutes. Completely awkward and we have barely shared a word. "Do you know how to make a patronus?" He asked out of nowhere taking me by surprise. I nodded smiling. I had read about them since the second year. I learned how to last year, professor lupin gave me lessons.
"Can you show me?" He asked again with curious eyes. Suddenly stopping I hopped up on the shelf in the back of the library sitting on it and he joined me.

My wand was a black color, the core was unicorn hair and phoenix hair which was rare and the wood was oak. I took it out closing my eyes. I had always used the same memory. A memory of playing with Tonks when I was little, but somehow it was clear to me that wasn't powerful enough anymore. So I thought of a time about two weeks ago when everybody; me, George, Fred, Lee, Ginny, Hermione, Ron , Harry and even Neville sat around the fireplace in the common room. It was amazing. We sang some, the twins of course told jokes it was just lovely.

"Expecto patronum" I opened my eyes as blue mist had emerged from my wand, I was expecting the same tiger. But as the beautiful blue sparkly smoke formed into an animal I wasn't expecting; an animal of grace and beauty, it was a doe.

I couldn't take my eyes off of it completely baffled. I had always produced the lion, tall and mighty, full of power and pride, never once had I gotten a doe. Your patronus resembles who you are; it reflects your inner soul all the way from the way you act to who you love. It was a marvelous thing really.

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