Another Tag Thing

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Thanks to solangelo_soul for tagging me!

1) What was the last song you listened to?
I'm currently listening to the piano version is This Is Gospel.

2) Favourite album ever?
American Idiot by Green Day.

3) Least favourite school subject?
Physics. I think my teacher is a Fury.

4) Least favourite day of the week and why?
Tuesday. I don't even know why.

5) Most attractive male celebrity?

6) Most attractive female celebrity?
Jennifer Lawrence.

7) Ever had a crush on somebody of the same gender?
*laughs* I'm asexual.

8) Worst holiday you've ever been on?
About 5 years ago I went to Gran Canaria (one of the Canary Islands) and I got really bad sunburn, got stuck in an elevator and gained a reputation as a crazy pigeon lady (long story).

9) Favourite band?
Fall Out Boy.

10) Saddest fanfic/oneshot you've ever read?
A patrochilles oneshot by minipage is the saddest thing I've encountered so far, but the most angsty is Atramentous by IWrteFicNotTragedies

11) Where are you as you write this?
I'm currently crouching (L from DeathNote style) on a spinny chair in the corner of my living room.

12) Favourite YouTubers?
Dan and Phil!

13) Worst habit?
I bite my nails and constantly mess with a strand of my hair.

I tag:
And anybody else who wants to do this.

Your questions are:
1) Favourite fictional character and why?
2) Have you ever had a crush on somebody of the same gender?
3) What is your least favourite food and why?
4) What do you consider to be the most annoying thing on the planet?
5) Worst fear?
6) Favourite animal and why?
7) Favourite song and why?
8) Favourite celebrity and why?
9) Would you kill said favourite celebrity for 5000 dollars/pounds/whatever currency you use?
10) OTP?
11) Do you have braces or glasses?
12) Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
13) What would you do if you owned me for 24 hours?

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