Chapter Four

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It was nine o'clock, just in time. I walked inside and the place was buzzing. ''Leah babe, you look absolutely amazing, I love you loads'' Jamie said with the biggest smile on his face. He really knew how to melt my heart. ''Thanks babe, you don't look half bad yourself, i love you too'' I said blissfully with a wink. He put his arm around my waist as we had short conversations with friends. ''I want to spend tonight with you babe, I've been looking foreward to it for ages'' I said to Jamie lovingly. I knew i love Jamie all my life, but tonight I felt more in love than ever.

We danced and we sang all night. I spent the night staring into Jamies eyes. It was eleven o'clock and I was extremely drunk. Its not like me to get overly drunk but fuck it its my birthday! ''Leah! Leah Stevenson!'' A voice boomed from behind me. ''Tara Cunningham, how are ya?'' I said enthusiastically with a wink. ''I'm great hon, but confused, are you dating Jamie Murphy?'' Tara was an old friend of mine from when we were kids, shes five years older than me so I looked at her more as an older sister all my life. ''Of course I am Tara! For about 7 years now hun. I mean theres been others boys in between but basically-'' ''No i meant yous are exclusive. exclusive? like serious?'' Tara cut over me aggressively . ''YES TARA! now whats the problem, you're scaring me did something happen?'' I asked with my heart thumping, I don;t know why but a sudden feeling of fear came over me after Tarasreaction to me and Jamie dating.  ''Oh its nothing but...'' She trailed off. ''WHATS GOING ON?'' I cried, tears welling up in my eyes. ''Leah its nothing I just seen him with Chelsea Moore and ..'' She slowed down. ''And what? what was going on?'' I said getting angry ''and they were very coupley, it was about 2 weeks ago in club Tango. They were full on flirting the whole night, staring into each others eyes and then they left together...'' With that sentence I could almost feel my heart breaking. How could he? Why would he? I thought he loved me. ''Chelsea Moore, as in tall slim blond model standing right over there flirting witn Chris, Kendals boyfriends?'' I said fumingly. ''Uh yeah..that Chelsea'' Tara said awkwardly. Maybe it was a mixture of pain, anger and a lot of alcohol but I marched straight up to Chelsea. ''WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? HOW COULD YOU SLEEP WITH JAMIE? YOU KNOW I LOVE HIM!'' I half shouted/ have cried. ''Excuse me? What you're boyfriend chooses to do is really not my business hunny. '' ''So its true, you slept with him? we were friends why would you do that?'' I broke down and without even waiting for an answer i Dashed for my hotel room, I needed Jamie now, I needed him to love me, to want me, to not leave me or cheat on me with a bimbo. The love of my life had done it again, broken my heart , I felt like I was 14 all over again. I raced to my room and texted him to come up. I whipped off my dress and lay on the king sized bed in my black Lacey bra. I dried my tears quickly when I heard the door open. ''Leah? whats gong on why did people say they seen you run up here? are you okay?'' Jamie asked as if he was concerned. ''I'm over here'' I said violently. He smirked and unbuttoned his trousers. I pulled him on top of me, his muscley chest on top on me as he breathed deeply, Every things okay it will be fine i kept telling myself, I wanted to pretend nothing had happened.. we went on for twenty Minuit's until i broke down. ''Babe? whats wrong?'' He got up and put back on his shirt. ''I cant do it, I just cant'' I cired. ''Do what babe? what happened?'' He asked confused and worried, ''I know about you and Chelsea, How could you Jamie?'' I said roaring crying. He went silent for what felt like an eternity. ''Babe I-'' ''You know what? just get out, GET OUT! NOW!'' I shouted. He shot me a puppy dog frown then turned and left.

How could he? He said he loved me? I love him so much, but I hate him too. I needed to stop the pain. I knocked back a bottle of vodka striaght but I couldn't taste a thing. I felt the pain numb a little then its all a blur after that. All is I know is that it made me feel better at the time.

The next few weeks were too painfull.  They consisteted of taking sick days from work and going out and getting drunk almost every night. Jamie tried calling so I had his number blocked from my phone. I was always too tempted to call him.

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